Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The rest of the weekend goes by fast. I spend the whole day Sunday on the beach by myself relaxing before I head back to college that night. When I get back to the dorm, Jessica is sitting at the desk on her side of the room, reading a textbook for one of her classes.

"Hey!" I say cheerfully and with a big smile as I walk into the room with my bags. I throw them onto the bed with a huff and start to unpack. I notice how Jessica gives me a weird glance and looks back at her book, giving me a flat 'hey.'

"Everything alright?" I ask her, alarmed by her lack of excitement to see me.

She doesn't turn her head away from her book as she says. "Yup. You seem to be in a chipper mood."

I blush and turn my back to her as I unpack. I have to start thinking of a lie to tell her. "Yeah, I had a good weekend with the family." I say. Jessica "mmm's" and her attitude is really starting to bother me. I turn around fast and look at her. "Okay, seriously, what's your deal?" I ask rather forceful.

Her blonde head snaps my direction and her eyes are narrowed at me. "What's your deal? Collin said you've been blowing him off and acting like he doesn't exist when he tries to talk to you." 

I snap my head back. "So you talk to Collin about me?"

"Yeah, I do." she snaps, standing up and walking over to me. "Because he was totally into you and we all thought - including him - that you were into him. It's one thing to go out with someone and tell them you're not interested if the date doesn't go well, but don't lead him on and then act like he's lesser than you if you're not feeling it."

Her words really start to make me mad and I narrow my own eyes at her. If she wants to get snappy, then i'll get snappy back. "I never led Collin on or treated him like I thought he was lesser than me," I say in the same tone as her. "I've always been busy when he's asked me to hang out or I haven't been feeling good." It's not a lie, it's all true. I did have plans when he wanted to do something with me. My plans were just with Dean... And I did have a slight headache the night I cancelled on his dinner plans... to go see Dean... 

Damn, did I really lead him on?

I know I never officially told Collin I wasn't interested but I did hope he got the hint when I was always busy. But come to think of it, I was a little rude to him Friday after class...

"Don't start lying to me, Claire. I don't know what you've been up to, but you've been going out and coming back late. Coincidentally, on the same night that Collin's asked you to hang out. So how about you save the bullshit for me and him and just don't lie anymore."

Jessica glares at me and storms out of the dorm. Her confrontation has left me feeling pissed and angry. I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down by pacing back and forth on my side of the room. How dare she say those things to me in the way she said it. That was completely uncalled for and could have been handled differently.

But even she seems to be catching on...

I try to force that thought out of my mind because it's irrelevant right now. The only thing I try to keep on my mind are the memories from this weekend and the clothes on my bed waiting to be put back.

This morning is a morning i'm thankful for having classes earlier than Jessica. I get ready while she lays in bed asleep and this morning, I don't care if I wake her up. I don't purposefully try to be noisy or loud while i'm getting ready for classes, but i'm also not going to apologize is the water from the sink or sound of my hair dryer makes her wake up either.

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