Part 2 - Chapter Forty-Seven

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So far the first month of pregnancy has consisted of a lot of morning sickness. There's not much that sounds appealing to me when I open my eyes in the morning and having to control it as best as I can is a task in itself.

"You should really get tested for a stomach virus or something," Jessica says, one morning. Giving me a concerning, disgusted look as she rubs on her powder foundation.

I climb out of bed groggily and on shaky knees. "I'm fine."

"You've been saying that for weeks now and it's really getting annoying. I'm sorry to be so blunt, Claire, but i'm not trying to get sick. And if you don't go to the doctor soon, i'm going to go to our RA about it." She closes her foundation case with a loud snap.

I roll my eyes behind her, not caring if she sees in the mirror, and walk by her to take a shower. When I get out and return back to the room, she's gone. Thank God. I really have to do something before this becomes too obvious.

Outside in the world beyond my dorm room, I go to class on an empty stomach and sit through the what's becoming intolerable hours. My drive and motivation for school is decreasing more by the day thanks to my untimely mannered, life altering surprise. Thank God my Tuesdays and Thursdays go by fast.

When i'm leaving the math building around twelve o'clock, my phone dings with an incoming text. It's from Dean.

Dean: Free this weekend?

Me: Yes. Why?

Dean: My family is hosting their annual charity event this Saturday. I would like for you to attend it with me.

My heart leaps with excitement. This will be the first time Dean and I will be seen in public... other than him randomly showing up at my family's party a few months ago.

Me: That sounds like fun. What should I wear?

The fact that he mentioned this is an annual event that his family is hosting suddenly makes me worry. It sounds extravagant and important, like his family knows some pretty significant people or are significant people. There's not much I know about Dean's family other than his younger brother, Tiller, and that he used the word was in the sentence associated with him. 

Dean: Don't worry about that. I have it covered. Stay with me Friday night, I'll have your dress ready for you here.

Me: Dean, you don't have to do that. I can get my own dress.

Dean: Just do as I say. 

I roll my eyes at his response but can't help but slightly chuckle at his controlling nature. 

Me: If you're trying to buy me, it's not going to work.

Dean: That is not what i'm doing. See you Friday.

And with that, I don't respond. 

I bite my bottom lip to keep from smiling uncontrollably like a school girl on the quad. I had paused to answer Dean's text and I begin walking back to my dorm when I run into the back of someone.

"I'm sorry...." I say, my voice falling softer when Collin turns around. My eyes scan the boy beside him. It's Connor.

Collin looks at me and smiles slightly. It doesn't touch his eyes. The sight of him makes my heart stop and I swallow. I can't help but feel guilty every time I see him. I liked Collin a lot and enjoyed spending time with him. My attraction for Dean is much stronger, but I do hate that things didn't work out with Collin.

"It's okay," he says lightly. I watch as he studies my appearance. His eyes scan all over my face and body. Although I know i'm not far along in the pregnancy to be showing, I feel exposed. Almost like people know just from looking at me. That's why I avoid his stare. I readjust the strap of my book bag on my shoulder and look down, clearing my throat. 

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