Chapter Twenty One

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Nothing too wild happened when we got back to his room. Once we were about to start another heated session and literally pick up where we left off, his phone started ringing. The frustration was clear on his face when we were interrupted once more but the look on his face when he picked up his phone to see who was calling was alarming. His eyes grew wide and he looked scared.

"Is it a colleague from work?" I asked. All I got was a silent shake of his head and his eyes staying glued to his phone screen.


What does worse mean? 

I meant to press further but then he silenced the ringing and looked straight at me. "It's late. You should be getting back to your dorm."

Him rushing me out made me feel embarrassed and a little down. I don't know who that was calling him but whoever it was just ruined my night. I want to know who it was and why he had that reaction and every time I went to ask he ignored me.

Luckily, Dean appeared to be fine the next week at school. Maybe it was something weird that's better left unknown to me. 

In class, his stolen glances my way made me feel hot, especially when he slightly smirked at me. Collin continues to sit by me oblivious to everything and it's not starting to become amusing. But speaking of Collin, he still hasn't learned to let go.

On Friday, when class is over, I linger like I always do and put my books up slowly, waiting for everyone else to leave so I can see Dean before I go home. To my amazement, Collin actually packs up and walks out of the room without saying anything to me. This makes me feel a little guilty because I know i've been rude to him but i'm also glad now that it leaves me alone with Dean.

Dean is at the front of the class behind the computer stand, smiling at me. I stand up from my seat and throw my book bag over my shoulder before walking closer to where he stands.

"If you don't start participating more in class, Miss Holbrook, i'm going to have to give you an F." he jokes.

"Maybe you need to tutor me in Great Expectations to make sure i'm understanding the material." I say seductively to match his joking.

Dean leans closer to me behind the stand on his elbows. "Oh i'll give you some pointers for Great Expectations." he says lowly.

Instant turn on. 

My body is already reacting to his words and the way he's looking at me with this sexy, seductive grin. I look at him and bite my bottom lip, causing his look to grow darker. I can read every thought in his mind. I can even feel his hands on me, ripping my clothes off, and him bending me over one of these desks, pushing his giant-

My vision is cut short and Dean stands straight up fast. Some of the students from the next class are starting to walk in the room. Good thing for us, they either have headphones in or they're too busy staring at their screen.

Dean looks at me and lightly chuckles, easing me.

"Are you heading back home now?" He asks quietly. I nod my head at him.

"I'm already packed up for the weekend. I just have to go get my car and i'll be on my way."

A sad look flashes on Dean's face as he gathers his things to leave. "Well, if Jonathan decides to make a move, I will be over there." he says low enough only for me to hear.

There he goes again with his sexy possessiveness. I give him a smirk before leaving him and walking out of the room.


I jump at the sound of my name and Collin standing up from the bench right outside of the classroom. How much did he hear? Did he hear anything at all? Oh shit, we're fucked.

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