Chapter Thirty-Eight

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I'm almost done getting ready for my date with Collin when the door to my room opens. I'm standing at the sink, looking in the mirror, and I turn to see Jessica walking in. I watch the way she observes me, clearly knowing i'm going somewhere, and she walks by me to her side.

"You're already back?" I ask her, trying to bring up conversation.

She pulls out a drawer and pulls out some clothes.


"That was fast. How was it?"

"Fine." She shoves the clothes in a duffel bag.

"Jess," I say softly, turning to face her.


She's finally looking at me. I try to tread lightly and hope that will do more good than bad. I notice the picture collage on the wall right behind her.

"I have to ask you something," I say hesitantly. She crosses her arms over her chest and shifts her weight onto her left leg. She doesn't say anything back but I can tell she's waiting on me to ask whatever it is. I swallow and hesitate again, looking down at my feet before back to her. I'm nervous to ask this question because i'm nervous of her answer.

"Are you mad that i'm going out with Collin?"

Her facial expression changes. Her eyes become softer and the hard line her mouth was pressed in falls. She stares at me blankly and I can tell what her answer is. 

"If it bothers you," I start, "I can stop it--,"

"It doesn't bother me," she interjects, looking at me once more, closely studying my appearance. "Is that where you're going tonight?"

I slowly nod my head.

She gathers her duffel bag and puts the straps on her shoulders.

"It doesn't bother me at all," she says before storming out of her room.


Pretty soon after Jessica leaves, Collin texts me that he's downstairs waiting on me. I look at myself in the mirror for the last time, fluff my curls, and walk down to meet him. He's standing up against the passenger door to his BMW and pushes himself off with a smile when he sees me. His smile is infectious, and I finally make it to his car.

"You look pretty," he says, smiling bigger than before. He opens my car door for me and our eyes don't let go of the hold we have on each other.

"Thank you. You look handsome too," I tell him.

Collin is dressed in khaki pants and a white, long-sleeve shirt with his fraternity symbol on the front pocket. His dark hair is covered by the navy ball cap he has on and I realize this is the first time i've seen him with a hat on. I like it. I tell him when he gets in on his side.

"I've never seen you in a hat before."

Collin looks at me and then looks at his reflexion in the mirror.

"Just felt like wearing it tonight," he says with a smile. He puts his car in reverse and then pulls out of the circle.

"So are you going to tell me now where we're going?"

He looks over to me.

"The whole point of a surprise, is it being a surprise."

I huff sarcastically.

"Fine. But one day, there will be payback of some sort."

"Payback? You're going to punish me when i'm trying to do something nice for you?"

I love how playful we're being. I love it a little more when Collin gives me a quick side glance and I see his boyish smile. He looks youthful and reckless and I want nothing more than to take a quick snapshot of this moment.

"No one said anything about punishment. I meant that I was going to drag something out and blow it up to be so big, it kills you to wait," I say, continuing to playfulness.

"Yeah, well, I hate to burst your bubble, but no matter what you surprise me with won't live up to my surprise."

"Challenge accepted."

And in an hour, I realized he would be right.

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