Your on your period (E)

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Right now I'm laying in my bed eating a cookies and cream Hershey's bar, while my uterus claws out my insides. Yup you guessed it I'm on my period, to make it even worse, it's my second day, and those are the worst for me. When I'm on my period I don't get mood swings, but I am extra. 

After my chocolate was gone my eyes started watering because there's no more. Ok maybe I do have a few mood swings. I texted Ethan so he could come over and bring me food.

You: ethannnnn

Ethan: yea

You: Im hungry and my chocolate bar is gone pls help me.

Ethan: What? can't you just go out and get another one.

You: No because Im in a comfortable position and if I move my uterus will take a knife and stab me through my stomach, and I will die.

You: Do you want me to die? wow can't believe you right now.

Ethan: I'll see you in a bit princess.

A little while later there was a knock on my door, I groaned because I had to get out of my position. When I opened the door there revealed a smiling Ethan with bags of food in his hand. I instantly started crying and laid flat on the ground. 

"Get up Y/n we need to eat this food." he said laughing. Soon I got up and walked over to Ethan giving him a hug and wrapping my legs around his waist while snuggling my head into his neck, he snuck his hand around my waist and hugged me tightly. 

"How did I get such a perfect boyfriend? like what did I do to deserve this? My dumbass can't even cook cheese toast, I love you so much E you don't even understand," I said sobbing.

"Aww y/n I love you to, I also don't know what cheese toast has to do with this, but your just saying this because your hungry so can we eat now?" I furrowed my eyebrows because that makes no sense. 

"Shut the fuck up Ethan but I really wanna got roller skating."

"we can do that when you get off y/n but for now lets eat," I nodded into his chest and ran to grab blankets to cuddle on the couch.


This is short but its 5:38 am and I'm tired so the next one will be longer.

Also its unedited.

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