You have cancer (G)

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My trip to gynecologist was today, I set one up because there's a lump under my tit, and it hurts like hell.

When I arrived at the gynecologist office, I waited a couple minutes before getting called back into the room.

"So y/n why are you here today"

Wasn't it obvious?

"I don't know to be honest doctor my boyfriend told me to set up an appointment because I keep complaining about these big bumps under my tit"

He gave me a worried look as he took the pen from behind his ear jotting down information.

"Ok we're gonna take an x-ray, to see if this is what I think it is" before I could ask what he was thinking he walked out the room shutting the door behind him.

After the x-ray I went back to the waiting room to wait for my results.

"Y/n?" The same lady who called me back last time said, I glanced at her then stood up following her into a different room that looked more like an office.

When I walked in my doctor was already sitting there reading over I guess some paperwork.

He quickly put his paper down and stood up, "Ms.y/l/n come in and sit down I have some news for you" he said sympathetically. Getting nervous I sat down in front of him, and placed my hands in my lap, patiently waiting for him to tell me the news.

"This unfortunately is not good news Ms. y/l/ have cancer" my heart sunk to my stomach and my chest tightened.

I have cancer.

"What" I croaked already starting to tear up, "Im sorry Ms. y/l/n." He shook his head and started up again, "we need to run more test to see if there anything we can do to prevent the cancer cells from spreading."

I nodded, putting my head in my hands.

"We will do this tomorrow but for now, your free to go home."

I picked myself up and ran out the building.

"Hey babe" Grayson said sitting when I walked in the door, I tried to keep a straight face so he wont get worried.

That failed, when I made eye contact with Grayson and he was smiling while I was not.

I fell to the ground and started sobbing, immediately Grayson ran over to me and knelt down to eye level grabbing my chin pulling it up towards his face.

"Baby what's wrong, why are you crying" he said concerned.

"I have cancer Grayson" I choked out as my sobs got louder and harder.

"What" he said sounding like he was tearing up too.

The thing is Grayson just proposed to me, and we were already planning the wedding. The colors were gonna be blue and gold. We were gonna invite our whole family, and the honeymoon was going to be in Cancun, Mexico.

Grayson is my life, I couldn't imagine it without him. He was my first everything, and I trust him more then myself.

I used to have depression and anxiety, but then he made his way into my life and it seemed like all that stuff flew behind me.

"Yes Grayson, I guess those bumps were more then we thought" I said crying more heavily.

He hugged me tighter indicating that he was there for me.

"Its gonna be ok y/n, were gonna fight this together and get through it OK?" He said into my hair and kissed it. I nodded agreeing, and hugged him tighter.

Im gonna get through this and I wouldn't want anyone else's help but Grayson Dolans.

This was a kind of cheesy but I like it.

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