The Other Twin is Racist (E)

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You and Ethan have been dating for a couple months, he always tells you that his twin brother Grayson is dying to meet you.

To you meeting new people was a very tough considering you're e very shy and hardly talked to people. When you met Ethan he started all of the conversations and carried them, in your head you still don't know why Ethan was with you, but hey whose complaining. The good thing is they live in California by themselves so the only person to meet was his brother.

Today was the day. You put on some black sweatpants, a baby blue crop top, and some black high top converse. Those were the only three thing you liked to wear because your such a simple person. You picked up your keys and walked to your car in the garage.

Once you arrived at Ethan's house you pushed down your shirt so your belly wasn't showing too much and knocked five times on the door. A boy that looked very similar to Ethan opened the door.

"Wrong house, we don't have any money." He said kind of irritated and sympathetic at the same time. You were shocked, at how rude and quite frankly racist that was. As he was shutting the door you caught it with your foot, "uhh actually I'm y/n...I'm Ethan's Girlfriend." You smiled, and started to put on your white voice because Grayson was a special case.

He looked at you startled and confused but screamed for Ethan to come to the door. When he got to the door he asked why Grayson was yelling, "some girl is here to talk to you, I can get her to leave if you want?" Ethan looked at him confused and then looked at you, his eyes lit up with excitement.

"Babyyyy" he said as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you into him kissing with much passion. You opened my eyes to see Grayson looking angry and confused at the same time. It made you break the kiss because it was awkward.

Ethan smiled at you and looked over to Grayson, "Grayson this is y/n...the girl that I've been telling you about for the last couple months" he smiled at His brother but Grayson just kept staring at you with a dirty look.

"Get her out of my house" he said sternly, with no emotion at all.

You and Ethan both looked confused, "what...bro what are you talking about? Why?" Ethan looked so confused.

You on the other hand just stood there in shock, wondering why the hell you even came here when there's other things to be done like putting on pajamas and watching movies until 2 am.

"I said get her out, I don't want a nigger in my house you know how I feel, about that species." Ethan was in complete and utter shock, he couldn't believe that his brother was saying these thing about anyone especially his girlfriend.

"Let's go in the room and talk" they both went in Ethan's rooms and all you could hear was screaming.

While you just sat that on your phone scrolling through Instagram and Twitter, you could hear the door open to the room so you quickly shut off your phone and held it by your side.

"Come one y/n we're leaving" Ethan looked so mad and on the verge of tears, "oh baby are you sure? did you talk it out?" You had a look of concern on your face because your boyfriend is trying to pull you out the door and leave his brother behind.

"You can't leave your brother Ethan, that's family. Even if it means not being with me..." you put your head down and held Ethan's hands.

"No no no no y/n I would never do that, your the first girl in a while that I actually genuinely like. There's no way I'm leaving you because of my idiotic brother, but I can't look or talk to him for a while. Do you mind if I stay at your place for a little bit?" He glared at his twin, Grayson was just sitting on the couch without a care in the world, not even paying attention to what you guys were saying. Bitch ass.

"Of course baby, come on, go pack a bag real quick." He nodded and walked to his room, about a minute later he walked out and you both left out. Grayson never said a thing.

Not edited🤪
Should I make a part 2??

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