Cancer 2 {G}

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Sitting in this semi comfy chair with an IV in my arm for 3 hours isn't how I would like to spend my Saturdays. Chemo hasn't been too bad, luckily I'm one of the few people who don't get really bad symptoms, but I still feel like trash most days. The second day is always the worst. After I told Grayson about my cancer we did our crying but got to business.

My diet has completely changed, I'm trying to go totally vegan and every morning I drink a vegetable concoction that Grayson makes. I know that it's not going to get rid of my cancer but eating trash won't do me any good.

"Here babe" Grayson said as he handed me a bag of kettle cooked chips and a Sprite. He just came back from the hospital vending machine, while I stayed here trying to get this chemo in me.

On chemo days I give myself a treat because I know the next day I'm not going to feel the best.

Two hours to go.

*at home*

I'm laying in bed trying to get some rest and feel semi normal after getting back from the hospital. To be honest I'm more tired from sitting in that chair for four hours, then the actual chemo.

Grayson has been amazing these last couple of weeks, he is so supportive and isn't showing that he's sorry for me. He acts like nothings wrong around me because he knows that It makes me feel bad about myself. He went out and bought all the food I needed for my new diet, and even cleaned out the fridge and cupboards of any unhealthy item. At night he'll just hold me and rub my arm, and I'll lay my head in his shoulder. We don't speak but, we know we'll always be there for each other.

The second day after chemo are the worst, I woke up feeling like trash. I try to tell Grayson that I don't fell as bad as I do but most of the time he just knows that I feel like shit. I woke up with a glass of room temperature water next to the bed. The water droplets on the side of the glass told me he just poured it. The chemo makes me sensitive to cold and hot so, even though I love Ice water. I can't drink it.

My stomach felt icky, my body was vibrating, I just felt like trash.

"Good morning babe" I heard from the door of our room, it was Grayson with a smile on his face. He kind of looks like he's just been crying.

"Hey" I muffled, ignoring his puffy face and reddish eyes.

"Want some breakfast? It's already cooled down so I thinks it's safe enough to eat." He's so sweet to me, I just love him.

"I'm good, not feeling the best" I really wasn't my stomach was icky.

"Come on babe you need to eat, I toasted an English muffin and scrambled some eggs" that might not sound like much but I can't eat a lot and that's a perfect amount of food for me.

I'm losing a lot of weight; my arms are getting skinnier and my hip bone is showing a lot more.

"Alright fine"

About a minute later he brought in a plate with an English muffin and one scrambled egg, and in his other hand was my green juice.

"No not the concoction!" I said as I started to sit up in my bed.

He just gave me a look like he's not playing around.

"Ugh, fine"

As the bright sour and bitter liquid slid down my throat my gag reflexes immediately turned on; I forced myself to drink the rest. Grayson made sure to stay there and watch me drink it all. "Good" he said as he walked out the door.

I feel like Grayson is being my nurse or something. I hate it.

I was in the bathroom trying to detangle my hair and feel slightly normal, as I was brushing a lot more pieces of hair came out then usual. I was confused and scared. I ran my fingers through my now detangled hair and chunks of hair was wrapped around my fingers.

I fell to the floor and started sobbing, it's finally happening, the chemo is taking out my hair.

Grayson ran into the bathroom asking me what's wrong.

"Look!" I shouted and held my hair covered hand out to him. He stared at my hand amazed and confused, because this is really happening. I cried into his arms and I could feel water droplets land on my head. He was crying too.

"I'm so scared y/n, I don't want to lose you, and I know you want me to be strong. I'm trying to be, but it's hard because I love you so much" he started to sob and I did too.

Suddenly, my phone started to ring, I slowly unraveled myself from Grayson and walked over to the phone.

It was a call from the hospital.


I honestly don't fuck with the twins that much anymore but I like this book so I'm going to keep writing chapters

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