How you meet (E)

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The park was somewhere you would go almost everyday, it was calm and you simply just loved watching people have fun and interact with each other. 

"Hey" a boy said once he sat down next to you on the bench, "Hey" you smiled and waved, you weren't gonna lie, this is very surprising to you because a park isn't a place you thought people would come up to each other and make small talk.

"I'm Grayson and over there is my brother Ethan" he says pointing to a very attractive guy that looked similar to his brother, when you looked over he was "casually" looking at his phone. By casual I mean he kept fidgeting around trying not to look up.

When you looked back at Grayson he started talking again, "look he's been seeing you around and thinks you're very pretty and just look at him. He's handsome and smart, and muscular, I think he's would be a great catch" you chuckle and look back over to him, this time he was looking at you and waved, you gave him a small wave back.

This isn't something that happened to you so it was very nerve racking, "I agree with everything you said about him, he is really cute...stay here."

You then got up and started walking towards him, he noticed you walking towards him and straightened up quickly.

"Hey, Im y/n" you said once you got there and held out your hand for him to shake, which he gladly accepted.  

"I'm Ethan" anyone could tell he was nervous, but he tried not to be. "Look, I always see you at the park just sitting over there and watching people live there life. That's something I've always admired about people, well you're also really beautiful but that's not the point," a reddish color arose from your melanin skin.

No one has ever said that to you besides your parents but that doesn't count, "I was just wondering if you wanted to maybe grab some coffee sometime?" he finished.

You looked at him again taking in his handsome features, you nodded your head 'yes' and held out your hand, "What?" he said.

"The only way we can hang out is if I get your number" you chuckled, realization hit him and he quickly took out his phone handing it to you,  "here" he said.

You quickly put your phone number in and handed it back to him, "Make sure you call me Ethan, I would really like to get to know you too, you seem like an interesting boy" you said and walked away.

When you walked away, Ethan let out a huge breath that he didn't even know he was holding in.

"Did you get it?" Grayson said as he was walking up to you, "Yes!" Ethan screamed, you covered your mouth laughing as you tried to ignore the big 'Yes!' noise you just heard.

Later that day you got a text from Ethan, saying if the date was still on, obviously you said yes and let's just say that wasn't the last time he asked you that.

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