Stressed out (G)

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Lately Grayson has been coming home really sluggish and tired, school has been really stressing him out.

"Hey babe" I said as Grayson walked through the door throwing his backpack on the floor.

"Heyyyy" he said, eyes half closed.

"C'mere lay down for a bit, while I make you food ok?" I offered knowing that was exactly what he needed.

"I can't my professor assigned us a five page paper by next class" he yawned.

He got out his laptop and sat at the love seat across from the couch, then started tapping away.

"You don't even have time to eat?" I asked, he didn't answer the question.

"Grayyyy" I said waving in front of his face.

"No I need to finish this essay, its due next class so that only gives me tonight and tomorrow, I'm sorry y/n, I can't hang out right now"

I love that Grayson is perusing his dream in college I just wish we could spend more time together. So I did a big sigh and walked in the kitchen to make breakfast for dinner.

As I was cooking all I could her was Grayson yell "OH MY GOSH ITS GONE" I walked into the living room asking him what was wrong, "it's gone y/n the paper got deleted" he looked so sad and defeated, I walked over to him and hugged him while he wrapped his arms around my waist. I heard him start to sniffle and I felt a tear drop on my foot, I looked down to see Grayson silently crying.

"Baby, it's going to be OK, we can get the paper back." I said sympathetically.

"It's not that y/n, I'm so stressed out and tired and just exhausted, college is so much work, I don't even have time to hang out with my favorite girl" he said hugging you tighter. I smiled and hugged him tighter too.

I let go of him and go on my knees to his height, since he was sitting. I grabbed his chin and forced him to look at me, "I'm not going to tell you to drop out of school Grayson, this is your dream and your gonna have to work hard for it like everyone else. Yes it's hard and stressful but I will always be here for you, always. Ok?" He nodded his head and wrapped his arms around me again and nestled he head into my neck kissing it softly we sat there a for a good minute until I realized I was still cooking for us, I panicked a bit on the inside but I didnt want Grayson to know so I got up and told him that I'll be right back.

When I walked into the kitchen everything looked fine, and I let out the big breath of air I was holding in. Once I was done with the pancakes I put some on two plates and walked into the living room to see Grayson watching TV.

I handed him a plate of pancakes, eggs, and bacon, he kissed me and said thank you.

"So you're not working on your paper anymore?" I asked a bit confused, as I sat down on the long couch.

He got up and sat next to me, it made me feel so happy to sit next to my baby, "no I decided to take off for tonight and just spend time with my favorite girl."

Let's just say cuddling wasn't the only thing we did tonight...

I don't feel like editing this so if there's mistake oh well🤪

Dolan Twins Interracial ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang