Nerd (G)

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Grades was the one thing in school I could not bring up, my mom has tried to get me a tutor but they're always just a waste of money. None of my teacher confronted me about it until now.

"y/n, can you come up to my desk please." my teacher said looking up from his desk, not thinking anything from it I got up and walked to his desk.

"The reason I called you up here is because I noticed that your grades are failing and I want you to get a tutor." he said and shrugged.

"I've gotten a tutor before and they never really helped, so I'm good" I tried to walk away but he stopped me, "not so fast Ms. y/l/n, lucky you I'm gonna make a student tutor you" he started look around the class while I rolled my eyed. I was staring off into space when I got cut off by y teacher yelling something, "Dolan!" he yelled, the boy jumped a bit but got himself together and walked towards us.

"Y-yes?" he asked, I have to admit this boy was fine, with his black glasses and swept back brown hair.

"From now until y/n bring her grades up, you will tutor her"

Maybe I shouldn't bring my grades up if that means I get to be with him

"o-ok, sure" he looked over at me and smiled a bit.

I've never seen him at this school before, probably because paying attention to any of the people at this school is not something I do.

"you may be seated" the boy scurried back to his seat while I graciously walked back to mine, not caring about this class anyway.

Our teacher was sitting at his desk scrolling through his phone since he gave everyone a worksheet to work on for the rest of class time. Obviously no one was doing that except one kid, the mystery boy.

I wasn't working either so I thought this was my chance to get to know this kid.

"Hey," I said once I got to his desk and pulled up a chair, he looked up at me and started blinking really fast, "I'm y/n, and I never got your name" I smiled, trying to act friendly but smiling isn't really something I do.

"I-I'm Gra-Grayson" he stared at me, looking scared like I was gonna make fun of him or hurt him, that is not what I was intending to do.

"Cool, well where do you wanna meet for the tutoring?" I asked.

"uhh, w-we could go t-to the library?" he didn't seem to sure about it but I reassured him that it was fine.

"Sounds great, do you wanna just meet right after school? If that's OK with you" he nodded his head, "That's fine" this is the first time I've seen him smile the whole time, it was a small but genuine.

I guess he thought this conversation was over because he put his head down and started doing the packet again, lucky him I wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon.

"You know your the only one actually doing this packet" I said chuckling a bit, he looked up at me and nodded.

"I know but, what if he collects it at the end of c-class that could be extra credit." he says,we both look at the teacher, he was still glued to his phone.

"Trust me I don't think he's even gonna notice when the bell rings" that made us both laugh.

After we calmed down I got up from my chair and pushed it back into the seat where it came from, "Well I'll see you after school, bye Gray, I'm calling you gray now" he nodded nervously and I went back to my desk. He needs to start using words, and not just head motions.

Unfortunately, this was the first class of the day so I still had three more classes.


I had to make sure to set a reminder on my phone so I don't forget to meet Gray after school. That probably wasn't needed though because he was all I could think about today.

After school I went straight to the library, our school library is two stories, first I looked around the second one which he wasn't in, so I went to the first floor and there he was sitting at a table reading some random book.

"Hey" I said once I got up to him.

"Hey y-y/n" he smiled at me nervously again, "Why do you always seem nervous around me Gray no need."

He smiled at me, it soon faded when he started walking towards me, "lets get started w-with the t-tutoring?" I gave him a confused look but nodded my head.

It was very awkward while we were working, we tried to talk as little as possible, even though the whole point of tutoring is someone else teaching you. I guess before he can trust me we have to become actual friends, that is if he wants to become friends.


There's definitely going to be a part 2 because this was boring. 

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