They're Sick (both)

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Right now Ethan and Grayson are laying in bed with a fever.

Y/n has known them since they were children and when one of them got sick it was torture for her, but if both of them got sick it was hell. They would ask her to do the simplest task, sometimes they would even do it for they're own amusement, knowing y/n would get annoyed with them.

Although Y/n would sometimes want to jump off a cliff after all the task they ask her to do, she loves them and knows they would do the same thing for her, so she does it anyways.

"Y/n/n! Can you come here pleaseeee" Ethan yelled in his groggily voice, y/n groaned in frustration as she hasn't been able to sit down and watch an episode of 'Orange is the new Black all day'.

But she lazily picked herself up from the couch and trudged up the stairs to the twins room.

"Yes Ethan?" Y/n was starting to be on her last straw, she's thinking of just going home now and letting them fend for themselves. Her eyes were half closed and her speaking was slow.

"Can you heat up the Philly Cheese Steak sub that I didn't finish earlier?"

"Now their just doing this on purpose" y/n thought.

She rolled her eyes, "sureee Ethan" y/n said spinning around on her heels ready to walk out when a different voice made her stop. Grayson.

"Wait y/n/n!" She let out a deep, heavy sigh and slowly spun back around. Putting on a fake smile she asked him what he wanted, "Um can I have a bottle of water so I can take this medicine?" He nervously asked, trying not to piss y/n off more.

"You have water right next to you Grayson, why cant you drink that?" Y/n sighed out.

"You know I like cold water, this is room temperature" she furrowed her eyebrows and squinted at him like he was insane.

"No Grayson you can drink the water you have" with that said y/n walked out the room to go heat up Ethan's Sub sandwich. Once it was done being heated up y/n placed it on a plate, she felt bad for going off on Grayson like that so she decided to be nice and grab a cold water out the fridge for him.

"Here Ethan" she handed him the plate once she was in their room, he smiled at her and started devouring the sub.

"And here Grayson" y/n handed Grayson the cold water she grabbed from the fridge.

"Oh! You actually got it, thanks y/n" Grayson weakly said. "We promise we won't call you for the rest of the day" Ethan said, Grayson nodding his head in agreement. Y/n smiled glad that she won't have to be their personal servant for the rest of the day.

"Thanks guys, now go to sleep" they nodded their heads and waved her out the door.

Once y/n walked out she squealed in her head, happy she can finally take a rest.

She sat down on the couch and turned on the TV, placing her feet on the coffee table and slowly closing her eyes.


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