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Luna's POV:

"Oh my God, Bonnie, he's just the most dreamy thing I've ever seen."
I said, collapsing onto my bed.
"I know, Luna. You wouldn't stop drooling about him at lunch, cheer, and now."
"I can't help it! And he's a gentleman. Like for real. I wouldn't even mind being just friends with him. He's also really mysterious, like you just wanna find out more about him every second of every hour of every day."
"Okay girl, I'm gonna hang up, Gran wants to talk to me. Love you."
"Love you too." I smiled.
"Hey Adam?" I called.
"Yeah?" He said in the doorway.
"When guys are mysterious, what does that mean?" I asked.
"Well, he either doesn't like you so much he doesn't want anything to do with you, so he tells you nothing."
I groaned.
"Or he likes you so much he wants to gradually tell you more so you can spend more time with him."
I smiled.
"Sometimes I hate you, and sometimes it's just the opposite." I smiled.
"I know. Goodnight."
"Night." I blew him a kiss before he shut my door. I heard noises from outside my window.
I walked over and looked. I put the window up. I looked down and screamed.
"Damon? Stefan?"
"Hi there, gorgeous." Damon waved.
"How the hell do you guys know where I live? And why do you have a CAMERA?!"
"I tried to stop him, I promise." Stefan said.
"Mhm. Thought you said there was no relation?"
"My first lie." Stefan looked down. "But, can you really blame me? Who would want to be brothers with this guy?" Stefan tried to joke. I didn't laugh.
"Please, just both of you leave me alone. For good." I shut my window.

Stefan's POV:

"You are such a pervert!" I screamed at Damon when we got inside the house.
"You just totally ruined things between me and Luna! I hate you. I despise you with a passion." I attacked and pinned him against a wall. He threw me back.
"You only like her because you feel like you owe it to dear old dad." Damon snarled.
"I like her for far more than that!"
"Hm. Okay. Have a good night, Stefan."
"I won't."

School, Luna's POV:

I passed Stefan in the hallway, and we didn't say a word to each other.
Just really awkward glances.
He caught me at my locker at the end of the day.
"Can I walk you home?" He asked.
"Got a camera to take pictures of my ass while I walk ahead?"
"I told you, that was Damon. He enjoys making my life miserable."
"I think I'll just take the bus."
"Come on, please? I told you I was trying to stop him."
"But you still lied about being brothers."
"I had a VERY good excuse."
I looked at him. "Fine. Just this once."
He took my book bag from me to carry as we walked home.
"You know, you're a nice girl Luna."
I smiled. "Thanks."
Tyler drove past, and slowed down when he got to us.
"Hop in, babygirl."
"Aren't you supposed to being giving Vic a ride?"
"She'll find one. Let's go."
"I'm walking Stefan. Are you blind?"
"Come onnnn."
"You know you want to." He smiled.
"Man, she said no. Get over yourself." Stefan took my hand and started walking again.
Tyler sped up.
"Got a new boyfriend, Luna?"
"Well, figured he's better than the guys who use women for their bodies."
He drove away.
We made it to my house soon enough.
"I really do like you, Luna." Stefan smiled.
"Promise that it was just Damon?"
"Swear on my life." He smiled.
"Fine." I giggled and smiled up at him. He got really close to my face for a second.
"Nana!" I said as the door opened.
"Hello, babygirl. Who's this?"
"This is Stefan, a friend from school." I smiled.
"Oh, hello Stefan! I'm Eleanore, Luna's grandmother."
Stefan reached out his hand.
"Nice to meet you."
"Luna, you must be coming in, you have that party with Bonnie tonight at the Founder's Hall."
"What party again, Nana?"
"You're representing the Taylor family's next generation of powerful women, you need to look your best. Aren't you going with Tyler? Adam is going with Bonnie."
"Me and Tyler aren't dating anymore, remember?'' I winced, remembering that Stefan was still here.
"I'd be happy to escort you." Stefan offered.
I looked over, and so did Nana.
"That would be splendid!" Nana kissed Stefan's cheek.
"Awesome. Pick me up at 7." I smiled.
"Bye." He waved.
I waved back and shut the door.
I looked out the window quickly and watched him do an adorable victory pump.
"That Stefan is a real cutie. Boyfriend?"
"No, Nana."
"Gonna be around often?"
"Not sure, I hope so."
"Is he new?"
"Clearly." I laughed. "Or he wouldn't of agreed to go to a founder's event with me."

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