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Bonnie found out the name of the woman was Cheryl Newmarker. We're going to speak with her. Bonnie's grandmother told her she's a witch, and she showed me the proof. I told Bonnie about Stefan and Damon, because I was terrified. What exactly is wrong with my boyfriend and his brother?
"Hello." I smiled at Cheryl as she opened the door.
"We want information." Bonnie said.
"Come in." Cheryl said slowly.
"First, drink this."
Me and Bonnie were wary, but we did anyway.
"What is that?"
"Nothing." She said.
"Here's what I know about Stefan and Damon Salvatore. When I was younger, in the 1950s, something tragic happened. Stefan's uncle, I believe it was, had died. Stefan returned. I'm shocked to see that he is VERY well preserved."
"Are you sure it's not an ancestor, maybe his grandfather, that looked a lot like him?"
"I'm positive. This man's name was Stefan Salvatore. And get this: I always read journals from 1864 here in Mystic Falls. The Salvatores are mentioned frequently in them."
"As what names?" Bonnie questioned.
"Stefan and Damon. They were a rich founding family in 1864."
I thought hard.
"Thanks for your time." I walked out, Bonnie behind me.
"What are you going to do now?"
Bonnie asked.
"Get away from that old loon and go spend time with my boyfriend."
"Bye Bonnie." Bonnie walked towards her house, which wasn't far.
Good thing Grandpa used to babysit Logan Fell.
I drive over to the news station and waited for Logan.
"Luna Taylor! What a surprise, my little love bug!" He hugged me.
"Hello Logan." I smiled and kisses his cheek.
"I was wondering, for a dear old friend, if you could show me some old news reports for a history essay I'm writing."
"Sure, no problem." He directed me to the room.
"Just search up what you're looking for and—"
"Unfortunately, I have to go cover an animal attack. I'll see you later, Luna."
"Thanks again, Mr. Fell."
I searched up the last name Salvatore and clicked the first video.
If you looked closely, you could see a man peeping out from behind a building. I pressed pause and zoomed in.
It was Stefan's face.
In the 1950s.
How is that even possible?
Next stop: the Lockwood's house. They have tons of history in the town there.
I'm honestly curious why Stefan looks exactly like the man from the video.

"Hello, beautiful." Tyler answered the door.
"I'm just here on a mission, and asking you for once to be a friend and help me. I know you hold a shit load of town history in this house."
He sighed. "What do you need?"
"A list of residents from 1860. Maybe closer around 1864?"
"Why?" Tyler questioned.
"Just please don't ask, Tyler?"
"Fine. It should be in the documents upstairs."
It's been forever since I've just hung out at this house. They changed up some of the pictures on the wall.
"Here." Tyler handed me a folder.
"That should everyone that settled here in 1864."
"Thank you so much. I'll be out of your hair in just 2 minutes."
"No problem." Tyler smiled and left the room.
I looked down the list until I saw the two I was looking for, with photo documentation.

Damon (23) and Stefan (17) Salvatore, Brothers,
Deceased in 1864

(Before you would like to say "how can there photo documentation" the camera was invented in 1816 bItcH)

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(Before you would like to say "how can there photo documentation" the camera was invented in 1816 bItcH)

Oh my God.
That's enough for me.
I got in my car and sped to the Salvatore Boarding House.
It was pouring. And dark out.
I pulled up the hood of my hoodie and pounded on the door.
Stefan answered.
I had tears pouring down my face.
"Oh my god, Luna! Who did this to you?"
I didn't answer. It was him.
"Come inside." I let him drag me.
"Tell me what the hell is wrong with you!" He screamed in my face.
"What are you?" I whispered.
He smiled. "What do you mean, sweetheart?"
"I've seen videos from the 1950s of your uncle's death. You're in them. The woman made sense. Answer me, Stefan. What are you?"
"I think you already know." He sighed and looked down.
"What are you?!" I screamed and pounded on his chest while he tried to hug me.
I cried, and cried until he took my face in his hands. I tried to pull away.
"Luna, look at me!" He yelled.
I looked into his eyes.
"Vampire." He whispered.
I pulled away and walked backwards towards the door.
"Stay away from me." I said through sobs.
"You know that I never wanted to hurt you, Luna."
"Stay away from me!"
"One thing before you go."
I had my hand on the knob, waiting for him to say it.
"You can leave me. You can, if you want, after you've thought about it. But you can't tell anyone what I am, ever."
"All the animal attacks in town. That was you. Give me one reason why I shouldn't go to Sheriff Forbes right now."
"That wasn't me. That was Damon."
"Fine. I'll tell her it was Damon."
"Damon actually cares about you, Luna. He has a different way of showing it, but it's the first time I've seen him care about someone in a long time. I live off of animal blood. Damon doesn't. He's my brother. Please don't tell anyone Luna. I'm begging you. Have I ever asked you for anything?"
I thought about it.
"I won't tell anyone. Just please don't hurt me." I begged.
"I would never, Luna."

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