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"Lexi, what state are we in?"
"Maine. But heading back down to Virginia."
"Where in Virginia?"
"Very close to Mystic Falls, that's why you need to put these sunglasses on and this hat, and keep your head down."
"Why are we going that close?"
"There's a college I want to look at for you."
"What? Speaking of school, get out your laptop, you still have two classes to finish. Bonnie and Caroline already completed their junior year, sweetheart."
I rolled my eyes. "Fine."

"Hi, Wes Maxfield. Advanced Microbiology."
"Lexi Branson, and this is my...cousin, Luna Taylor."
"Pleasure to meet you. Can I help you with anything?"
"Can I look around the school?" I asked.
Wes nodded. "Of course. Miss Branson, would you like to join me for a coffee?"
"How about lunch?" Lexi smiled.
"Even better." Wes grinned.
As the walked away, arm in arm, Lexi winked back at me and I laughed.

I walked down a few flights of stairs and down some really creepy corridors, all white or gray.
I peeked in a few rooms, but there was only one that really caught my eye.
The one with the door labeled:


Who listens to those signs anyway?
I cracked the door open and walked in slowly.
I was more creeped out every time my eye caught something different.
Then my phone rang, I jumped, and backed into a metal tray.
"Hey. How you holding up?"
"Oh, hey Stef. I'm.. (ow) uh... fine."
"Where are you?"
"You know I can never tell you that."
I thought I heard something in the shadows.
It was probably nothing.
"I know. I miss you so much Luna."
"I miss you more Stefan, but we knows this is what's best—"
"AHHHH!" I screamed.
"Luna? Luna?"
"Gotta go Stefan. I love you. Say hi to your brother."
I hung up my phone and put it in my back pocket.
"Who the hell are you? You never creep up on someone like that!"
"S-so sorry love. Just- can you- grab that blood bag right there? Please?"
"Wait, are you a vampire?"
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, here."
"Another one."
"I was taught, 'only give vampires three so they don't OD', so only one more."
He nodded.
As soon as I noticed color come to his face, I noticed he was extraordinarily attractive.
I undid the chains around his wrists and removed the scalpel that was still lodged in his abdomen.
"Who did this to you?"
"Oh my god. My friend is on a date with him. We need to get her NOW."
"NO! You can't take me with you. If Wes sees me with you and knows I escaped, he'll kill us both and torture your friend for as long as he's alive."
"Then stay in the car, but I NEED to get her out of there. Can you walk? Are there any others?"
"No. Just me. And I think after that blood I should be able to."
"Come on." I draped his arm around me and took him to the nearest exit.
As soon as the sun hit him, I felt terrible for forgetting a huge weakness in vampires.
I took him back towards the door.
"Okay. Listen. My ex boyfriend gave me this a long time ago for when I first became a vampire. I haven't changed yet, and this is an emergency, so if I give this to you, I need to take REALLY good care of it."
"I swear." He nodded, and I slipped it on his pinky finger, since that's the only one it would fit on.
I didn't care who saw me anymore. I slipped my sunglasses and my hat on him in the beating summer sun and dragged him to the car.
"Get in the backseat, and stay down. The windows are slightly tinted, but still."
I called Lexi. "Where are you?"
"Still at lunch with Wes. Why?"
"Can I come pick you up? I really need help with this math worksheet."
"Please, Lexi?"
I heard her sigh. "Fine. Be here in 3."
She got in the car without noticing the vampire in the back seat.
"Where's Wes?"
"As soon as you called, he left to his lab."
"Okay, we need to go. Now."
I sped all the way until we hit southern West Virginia.
"Okay, so what's your name?" I asked the man.
Lexi was startled when she first noticed him a few hours ago, but then we explained everything.
"Enzo. Enzo St. John. And you?"
"This is Lexi Branson, and I'm Luna Taylor."
"Well, can I say it was a pleasure to be rescued by such a gorgeous girl."
I grinned. "Thank you, now shush. What's Wes' deal?"
"Wes and his ancestors all experiment on vampires, they're called the Augustine Society. I'm the only one. There used to be two of us back in the fifty's, me and my friend, but he escaped and left me behind."
"I'm so sorry. He must be terrible."
"So I've come to believe. Just wait until I get my hands on him..."
"Hey now. We're not big fans of revenge, so none of that crap when you're with us." Lexi said.
Enzo nodded. "Of course."
"Pull over at the gas station. I'm driving. Get in the back and keep that poor man company." Lexi said.
I pulled over at the gas station and got in the back seat as Lexi went in to get me food.
"You're a really sweet girl, did anyone ever tell you that?" He grinned.
"I think everyone loves the chance to play super hero once in awhile."
"You're really pretty too."
I grinned. "Thanks."
He set his hand on my knee. "Wanna hear a story? You look tired. It might help you sleep after the day you've had."
"Sure. Go ahead."
And as I fell asleep, I heard about his time in  England, and learned how much I really liked this new guy.

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