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Four Months Later:

As I got out my bags from the back in the Florida hotel parking lot, I felt a hug from behind melt my heart.
"Lexi said if she ever sees us doing anything she's taking her stuff and leaving. She doesn't want to third wheel, Enzo."
"And? She's checking in."
He grpoed my hands to my sides and stole a few kisses before a man walked up to us.
"Excuse me? Do you have any change to spare?"
"Of course." I dug into my pocket and handed him a ten dollar bill. "Here."
His jaw dropped. "Thank you so much! God bless you. Have an amazing day, ma'am."
"You too sir." I smiled.
Enzo looked at me with a sparkle in his eye.
"I wanna talk to you about something when we get to the room."
"Okay?" I grinned.
We caught up with Lexi. "Here's the key to you two's room, mine is two doors away, so ya know, I can't hear anything."
We laughed. "Bye Lexi."
She waved with a smirk on her face.
I set my stuff down on the bed, sat down, and looked up at him. "Okay, so what's up?"
"I don't wanna fool around anymore."
I felt my chest sank. "You what? You do realize this could make car rides REALLY awkward and —"
"No no no love, I'm not ending it. I want to make it official that you're mine. Be my girlfriend, not so it ends the awkwardness, but because I'm truly in love with you."
"But you love Maggie."
"You love Damon! Which I still think the name coincidence of Damon being the guy that almost killed me is a little weird."
I laughed. "We still love different people. It's impossible to love each other correctly."
"False. I'm so in love with you, I wanna go to Mystic Falls and meet your friends, and your family. Thanksgiving is in two weeks, you don't think you should go home?"
"I'm not supposed to go home until it's safe, Lorenzo."
"How much safer could you be when you have me?"
"Ah. No, darling. Now kiss me and tell me you love me."
I kissed him. "I love you."
"Call your friends. Ask if it's safe to go home."
I took my phone outside and waited to hear Stefan's voice.
"Luna! It's been almost a week!"
"I know, I'm so sorry. Am I on speaker? Who's all there?"
"Everyone. Bonnie, Damon, Caroline, Tyler, Matt, and Jeremy."
"Good. Put me on speaker."
"Hey Luna!" I heard too many voices at once shout.
"Hi guys! I have some really good news."
"Tell us!"
"My birthday is in one week, and Thanksgiving is in two, so we decided... I'm coming home for awhile!"
There were lots of squeals and shouts.
"That's amazing!" Stefan said.
"When will you be down?" Damon asked.
"I think what Damon's really wondering is, when can he get downnnn." Tyler said, getting lots of laughs.
"Yeah, well, the thing is, I'm bringing my boyfriend."
Pure silence.
"You got a boyfriend? In four months? You're in a relationship?" Damon said.
"Oh, Damon, shut up, every morning I come here and there's a new girl I have to help find her shoe." Caroline said.
"Shut up, Caroline! That's just sex!"
I could practically see the eye roll.
"Okay, I'll talk to Lexi, but I'll be home in a few days."
"Can't wait to see you!" Bonnie said.
"Love you!" Jeremy said.
"Safe travels!" Matt said.
Stefan took me off speaker.
"Hey, I'm outside. I'm sorry about Damon."
"It's fine, it's fine."
"So, this boyfriend? How much ass kicking am I doing?"
"More like ass kissing. He's great Stef. Please be nice and don't scare him away. Make sure everyone knows to behave themselves."
"Of course. I love you."
"I love you more."
"Impossible." I grinned.
"Bye Luna. See you soon." And he hung up.
I knocked on Lexi's door.
"Tomorrow we're heading to Mystic Falls. We're staying there for a couple weeks."
"I think the hell not."
"I just talked to Stefan. He said it's okay."
She processed it. "Okay. Bright and early in the morning, I wanna hurry to see my bestie. And no freaking morning shit! I don't want the car to smell like sex the whole drive."
I laughed. "Okay."

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