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It's been a week and Stefan has called me once.
He hasn't been to football practice. He hasn't picked me up from cheer. He hasn't been in school. And I only see Damon at the Mystic Grill every night from 7-10, like clockwork.
He doesn't talk to me. He just watches me.
"Where are you going?" Bonnie asked.
"I'm going to Stefan's. I have to see what his deal is. This is shady as fuck."

I floored it on the way to Stefan's.
I called him, but he didn't answer.
I'll leave him a message then.
"Stefan, babe, I'm coming over right now. If you have a girl there, I suggest she leaves." And turned off my phone.

I pounded on the door.
Stefan answered.
"Hi! I'm Lexi." A girl in a bright smile said.
While in a towel.
"Hello... Is Stefan here?"
"He's in the shower right now." She smiled back.
I glared. "I'll wait then."
She went into the living room while I sat in the chair at his desk.
"Wait a minute... You must be Luna!" Lexi exclaimed after a few minutes of silence.
"Yep. Heard of me?"
"Both those boys are madly in love with you, babygirl. How could I not?" She laughed. "I don't know how you did it, but you have them wrapped around your pinky finger, honey."
Her face got red. "Nevermind. I mean Stefan. He never shuts up about you."
Stefan came into the room. I crossed my arms.
"Luna." He gasped.
"Hello, Stefan." I glared.
"Can we talk upstairs?"
"I think you should get dressed first." I muttered. He took my hand and led me up the stairs, but I flicked it away and just followed.
He locked the door behind him.
I watched his short cover up the tattoo on his arm, but his eyes never quite left mine. He could see the pain.
"Lexi has been my best friend for years, Luna. I've never thought the way I do about you with her."
I rolled my eyes.
"Why do you keep that picture of Katherine, Stefan?"
"To remind me of how stupid I was before."
"You see, I don't buy that. Are you in love with me? Or Katherine? Lexi? The cashier at the super market? Who exactly do you love Stefan?"
"You, it's always been you." He whispered and smiled.
"I can imagine what you think, but—"
"Why have you been ignoring me?"
He closed his eyes.
"I can't tell you that."
I looked at him. "Are you scared that you'll hurt me?" I asked.
He didn't answer.
"Stefan Salvatore, have sex with me right now. It's not like we haven't done it before."
He let out a little laugh. "You're crazy, baby."
"Either that, or bite me. Your choice."
"I'm not doing either."
I grabbed my bag.
"Then expect this to be the last time you see me here as your girlfriend."
I grabbed my keys.
"It was nice meeting you, Lexi. I hope you have a fantastic day."
I put the keys in the ignition and floored it to my house furiously.

"Luna! Nana said as I got in the house.
"Nana, I can't talk right now."
"Young lady, we haven't seen much of you lately, I just want to ask one question."
I paused. "Yes ma'am?"
"How are you?" She said, looking deep into my soul.
"I'm fine, Nana. I'm gonna go upstairs and study. Could you tell the boys I would like not to be disturbed? I have a headache."
"Of course, honey. I love you."
"I love you too."
I went on my room. I looked over by the window seat, and there sat Damon.
He looked at me and patted the seat next to him.
"Is there anything I can do?" He asked.
"Damon, I just want you to take pain away."
He lifted my chin. "Smile for me."
I shook my head.
"Why did the Stefan cross the road?" Damon asked. I laughed a little. "I don't know. Why?"
"Because his brother got his girlfriend's bra."
He revealed a black bra that I could have sworn was in my drawer.
"Damon!" I laughed and three it in the drawer.
"I'm just messing with you." Damon ruffled my hair.
And that was when I realized I was in love with Damon Salvatore.

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