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Luna's POV:

"So how'd she take it?" Damon came into the room and said.
"She knows everything from Katherine to vervain and stakes."
"Why the hell would you tell her how to kill us?" Damon laughed.
"She was going to find out anyway."
Damon wrapped an arm around me as I look through Stefan's journal from 1943.
"These books are amazing. You have an interesting view of the world around you."
Stefan smiled. "I think it's more like the world around me has an interesting view of me." He chuckled.
I shrugged Damon's arm off of me.
"I wanted to ask you something."
"Shoot." Stefan answered.
"There's this thing my grandma is making me do, the Miss Mystic Falls thing? I was wondering if you wanted to be my escort."
Damon rolled his eyes and left the room.
"I'd love to." Stefan kissed me.
"But I think when you're done with that journal it's time for bed."
"Like I said before, I'm not a five year old." I glared. "I could just go home..."
"No! Sorry. Remember, I gotta take care of you. It's nature."
I rolled my eyes.
"I'll be upstairs. Night Damon!" I yelled.
"Goodnight, Luna." I heard him yell back.

Stefan's POV:

"Shouldn't you be upstairs with Luna?" Damon asked.
"I'm just thinking about things. Her Kwong what we are changes everything. We can be open around her. Truly... Ourselves."
"I love it." Damon smiled.
"Can you grab me coyote from the fridge?" I asked.
"Sure." He shrugged.
He came back and handed me a glass.
I took a drink.
"Damon... What did you do?"
"I may have broke your little diet." Damon sneered.
"Why would you do that?!" I continued to drink.
"It's gonna be harder for you to control yourself around Luna. You don't have practice. I do. Therefor, I'll be spending the most time with her." He grinned.
"This sounds just like you. You love her, don't you?"
"More than I ever loved Katherine. No matter what I do, she comes back, and she's always there."
"She's crazy."
"All it takes is someone to care just once, Stefan, and it changes a man."
"Thanks to you, I can't sleep next to her tonight."
"Psh, you can. I'll compel her later if you bite."
I rolled my eyes. "I wouldn't bite her. I just don't wanna grit my teeth in my sleep."

The next morning -

Luna's POV:

"STEFAN!" I screamed when I looked in the mirror just below my belly button.
"What?" He said sleepily, coming out of the bathroom.
"I have a feeling I wasn't in bed with a coyote last night." I glared.
I pointed to my abdomen.
"I bit you?" He said confused. "I don't even remember that."
"I don't either." I glared. "And now I feel like there's nothing in my head and I'm really cold."
"You lost a lot of blood. Sit down. You're not going to school."
"Stefan, you used me as food, we need to talk about this."
"DAMON!" He yelled down the stairs.
Damon sped up within a second.
"Nice Victoria's Secret attire, Luna." Damon smirked and I glared.
"Take off your neclace, Luna." Stefan ordered.
"TAKE IT OFF!" Stefan put his centimeters from my head on the wall, and broke the mirror beside me. I took it off.
"I can't believe you gave me that last night Damon." He glared.
There were in his eyes as he saw the fear in mine.
He bit his hand and rubbed it on my stomach. The bite began to heal.
"You won't remember this."
I shut my eyes. "Stefan, don't!"
"You won't remember me biting you or this fight. Understand?"
I nodded.
"What won't you remember?"
My mind was suddenly blank.
"I forgot." I smiled and kissed him.
"Ew, Damon! Get out!" I yelled.
I gave Stefan a kiss. "Good morning, love."
I looked into his eyes.
"Why are you crying?" I wiped his eyes.
"I'm not." Stefan smiled and kissed my forehead.
"I have a major headache." I moaned.
"Get dressed. I'm going to take you home, Luna."

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