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1 Month Later:

"I can't take it anymore. It feels like a prison sentence. Damon compelled my grandparents to let me live here. I haven't seen them in so long." I complained to Bonnie one night on the couch.
"He's doing this to keep you safe. There's too much going on right now. Even though I don't entirely agree with it, I know I can't change it."
I nodded slowly. "I guess you're right."
She stood up and grabbed her bag. "I'll call you later. Don't worry about it too much, Luna. You're stuck in a house with two incredibly gorgeous guys, who happen to be brothers. What could go wrong?"
I smirked. "The fact they drink blood is a real issue."
She chuckled. "Adios, Amiga."
I waved. As soon as I heard her car down the driveway, I checked all around the house and made sure no one was home. I grabbed my escape bag and set my letter under a bottle of Bourbon.

Finally, I'll live my own life.

Damon + Stefan,

First, I want to thank you, Stefan, for being my first love. I want to thank you for being the most caring person in my life, but at the same time knowing when to back off (hint hint, Damon!). A part of me will always love you, Stefan Salvatore.
Second, I want to thank you, Damon, for being my greatest love. For giving me the firiest of passions I'll ever experience in my soon-to-be long, long life. I love that you cared so much you tried to protect me. But this is not Rapunzel, my love. You can't keep me locked in a tower. I'll never experience the world, or witness it for the cruel yet beautiful place it is. I love you so much.
Now, don't think I'm a heartless bitch, a hurt little teenager running away. It's more than that. Don't think this doesn't hurt me. It's the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life. Escaping you too, when you two are my home. Escaping sounds like a bad word, but with how life's going, it's the only one that fits. And I'm so sorry.
So here's the plan: you're going to compel my grandparents that I got accepted in a fancy private school and I'll finish off high school there. You're going to tell them not to miss me too much, I love them more than life itself.
You're going to tell Tyler I just wanted to get away to figure out things, and that I love him and I wish him luck on the whole wolfie thing.
You're going to tell Caroline and Bonnie that I'll have my phone, and they can contact me anytime. And tell them I love them, and I could never be more proud of my two best friends in the whole world.
Tell Matt that I know he's scared, but everything is going to be okay. Tell him Vic is watching over him, and he's more than responsible enough to take care of himself.
AND ANOTHER THING. You two have so much power. Caroline and Tyler are new to this life. Bonnie is still figuring out some of her powers. Matt is only human. Keep my friends safe.
I'm going to travel the world. I'm going to explore my boundaries and find myself. I'm going to experience everything life has to offer. I'm gonna find someone to do it with.
This is my break up letter. By all means, be angry with me. But I had to do it.

I love you so so much, my boys. Stay strong, stay safe, and PLEASE don't kill each other.

All the love I have to offer,

Luna ❤️

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