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"I hate you." I growled through gritted teeth at Damon.
"Her blood tastes AMAZING."
"Be lucky you didn't kill her."
He rolled his eyes. "It was like three seconds. I'll compel her and she won't remember a thing. I can even take away the whole 'finding out about us being vampires' thing if you want."
"No. She deserves to know who we are. Just make it so she doesn't remember you... Wait. How are you going to compel her? She has my vervain neclace I got her."
"Chill. She's probably gonna dump you anyway. And I took it off before I even bit her. She never noticed."
"Were you always this sensitive?"
Luna came into the living room.
"So am I vampire yet?" She asked.
Oh no.
"Not even close." Damon smiled.
"Sit down, would you?" He asked, and she did as told.
"You will forget about being bitten, understand?" He said into her eyes.
"I understand."
"What are you forgetting?"
She looked confused. "I don't remember. But— why am I in your house?" She screamed.
"Don't touch me, monster!" She yelled as Damon tried to touch her arm.
"Luna, sit down!" I finally screamed back, letting the glass cup on the table shatter on the floor.
She shut up.
"You need to understand one thing. It was never our intention to hurt you. I love you, and care about you more than anything."
"Enough with sappiness, Stef."
"And Damon cares about you too, he just doesn't want to admit it. Luna, I survive off of animal blood. Strictly animal blood. Damon survives off of stolen blood bags from the hospital. As you can see, no one is really dying here."
"The animal attacks?" She crossed her arms.
It's like she didn't even hear a word I just said.
"A vampire was passing through last week. I took care of him." Damon answered.
"Anyone we know?" I asked.
"Freshie from Chicago. Trying to find the person who turned him."
I shrugged.
"So you guys won't hurt me?"
"We wouldn't dream of it, Luna. We want to protect you from the other vampires that aren't like us."
She glared. "You don't have to talk to me like a five year old." She rolled her eyes and stood up.
"You don't have to worry about me telling anyone. But I'm staying the night tonight, and you're telling me EVERYTHING. Understood?"
"Of course." I answered.
"I'm getting some clothes. Be at my house in an hour."
She slammed the door.
"I told you, I love that girl's fire." Damon awed.
"More like you love that girl." I muttered.
"I think she's hot, Stefan. And I like her attitude. I'm not in love with her." Damon argued.
"Please, she'll have you wrapped around her pinky in a week, just like she did to me."
"Don't you have a football game or something?" Damon glared.
"That's tomorrow." I grinned.
"I hate you, Stefan."
I rolled my eyes. "She seemed really angry. Did you notice that?"
"You would be too if you found out your boyfriend could kill you. And she's on her period."
"How do you know that?"
I regretted asking the question as soon as it came out of my mouth.
"I smelled it, obviously."
"You are absolutely disgusting." I went to grab something to drink as he had a good laugh.
"Make sure you give her back her neclace, Damon."
"I will. I can just go pick her up if you want."
"Would you?"
"Sure." He shrugged.
I did too and sat at my desk.
"You should break out some of your old journals for when she comes over. It might help explain things better. And the Petrova Family book we have from Katherine."
"Not that book. But the journals are a good idea. I was thinking to just let her ask freely. Roam around the house and we'll answer any question she has."
"That's okay  I guess. It must be confusing for you though. You don't even know if you're dating anymore." Damon said.
"I know what you're doing, and it's not working. And not that it's any of your business, but I'm almost positive she doesn't want to be with a blood sucking demon from the 19th century."
"You never know." He laughed.
"I better go. You know how she gets when she's late." Damon waved and left.

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