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I pressed call. "Okay. We're in the driveway Stef."
"Oh my god, this is really happening. It's been almost six months. It's happening."
I hung up and got out of the car, and as I was opening the trunk, I was lifted in the air.
He hugged me so tight I thought my arms would fall off."
"I missed you so much, how mad do you think Enzo would be if I kissed you?"
"Very mad." Enzo grinned as he got out the car. Stefan shook his hand. "Stefan. Nice to meet you."
"Pleasure is all mine. Luna always talks about her friends back home, I had to come meet you all for myself."
I smiled.
"Now where's Lexi?" Stefan asked.
"I was WAITING." Lexi grinned and pulled him into a hug.
"Luna? Oh my god, that can't be you." Jeremy smiled.
"UHM, Jer?! Puberty hit you like a truck! Look how hot you got! Holy shit!"
Jeremy scratched his head.
"Oh my god, those muscles!"
Now he laughed and hugged me really tight.
As he hugged me, he whispered, "make sure I don't sit by Bonnie at the table, we broke up last week."
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry."
"It's fine, just please?"
"Okay." I kissed his cheek.
"Luna Taylorrrr, over here lookin fine as hell!" Tyler called.
"Ty! Over here looking... Hairy? Werewolf thing?"
"Oh shut up and hug me." He laughed.
I gave Matt a hug, and then watched a silver car pull in the driveway, with my two best friends in the front seat.
"Bon! Car!"
Caroline literally ran out of the car, Bonnie chasing, and they both hugged me from two sides. We cried.
"Hold on! We wanna meet Enzo!"
I smiled and looked around. "Enzo!"
He looked up from getting my bags from the car, smiled, and gave a quick wave to Bonnie and Caroline.
"Damn." Bonnie and Caroline's jaws dropped.
"I know!"
We squealed.
"Hey, where's Damon?"
"Inside. He said he wasn't gonna say hi out here. He wants you to go in there." Caroline rolled her eyes.
"Hey Luna! Me and Enzo are going to the grocery store to get some things for dinner tonight. You need anything?" Lexi asked.
I shook my head. "No thank you."
And they left.
All the rest we're occupying themselves outside, talking, while I snuck in through the front door.
I shut it carefully behind me.
I walked up the stairs, slowly, to my room.
They kept it exactly as I left it.
I looked in the mirror at myself and realized how much everyone and everything had changed.
I heard someone throat clear.
"So the life of the party finally came back to visit."
I turned around, startled, to see the love of my life behind me.
I didn't think it would hurt so much and feel so good to see him.
"Well, what are you waiting for? I know you wanna hug me." He grinned.
I ran up to him and let him hold me for what seemed like hours.
Hours would not be enough.
"Sit down here..let's talk." He patted a spot on the edge of the bed beside him.
"So, how do you feel? Seeing me? Be honest."
"I feel...like I'm not ready for a relationship with Enzo. I feel like me and you should be together. I feel like all I want from Enzo is sex, but I care too much about him to break his heart."
"I knew an Enzo in my day. Really heartbroken guy."
"Really? Enzo said he knew a Damon too."
"Well, the Enzo I know is dead."
I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder.
"I wanna be with you too, Luna."
"I wanna see how things go with Enzo, despite how much I love you Damon."
He nodded. "Second choice. Once again."
"Damon, it's not like that."
"It's exactly like that. But it's cool, I'm used to it. Just don't move."
"I have to. Jeremy wants me." I said, reading his text.
I got up and Damon grabbed my hand.
"I love you."
"I love you too."

"What'd you need, Jer?" I asked him in the kitchen.
"I got a new car."
"And Jenna wants us to drive over so you can see her and meet her boyfriend Alaric."
"Okay, let's go."
He grabbed his keys.

"And remember that time me, you, and Elena stayed up all night catching firefies?" Jeremy asked.
"And then Elena dared you to eat one!" I laughed.
"Well, I promise of you kiss me I don't have bug mouth." Jeremy laughed.
"Uh...what?" I asked.
"Oh, uh, it's nothing." He said as we parked outside the house.
"No no no. We're not getting out of this car until you tell me."
"Well, I've always had a little crush on you. But seeing you today kinda made them grow a little bit."
"Oh no. No. No. No. Jeremy! That makes you another option and now I have to make so many decisions and—"
"Calm down. I'm sorry. But if you decide to take things further with me... Think about it.
Elena would have wanted it to happen."
Ughhh. He pulled the Elena card.

Welcome home, Luna. 🙄

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