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"Beautiful. Wear that one." Nana said as Adam was throwing my dresses on my bed and she was curling my hair.

" Nana said as Adam was throwing my dresses on my bed and she was curling my hair

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"Nana, why do you make me attend these events?" I laughed.
She frowned. "We've been over this. I love you very much, and being a part of the founder's families is a big deal, Luna."
"I understand that, but why me? Why doesn't Adam go."
"Adam does go. Adam's just shy. Your mother and father left you in our care. They were like Adam. They didn't like the founding family scene."
I nodded and left it at that.
I got finsuhed putting on my heels and then the door bell rang. Adam ran to get it, and I had to walk from the shoes.
"Hello." Stefan smiled.
"Hey. Come on in." Adam said.
Stefan slowly walked through the doorway.
"Is Luna here?"
"Just a second, these shoes crush my toes." I laughed, walking down the stairs.
"Wow." Stefan sighed. "You look absolutely gorgeous, Luna."
I smiled. "Thanks. Ready?"
"Absolutely." He took my hand.
"Hold on! I want a picture first." Nana stopped and used her super old Polaroid camera.
"Take two. I want one." Stefan winked.
"Okay Nana, we gotta go."
"I'll be there at 9 with your grandfather. Adam, go pick up Bonnie! A gentleman is never late to pick up his date."
I laughed at her rhyme. "Love you."
She kissed my cheek.
"Sorry it takes so long to get out of there." I smiled.
"It's fine. Just warning you, Damon decided to come too."
"Ugh, okay." I frowned.
He smiled. "I'm still sorry about what he did."
"I went to buy curtains earlier today." I laughed, even though the situation wasn't funny.
"Tell me about yourself. Everything. Something big I should know." Stefan said. "Even if it's bad or upsetting."
"I'm protective over my little brother Adam, my parents left us a few years ago in my grandparent's care, my best friend passed away last spring, and I'm captain of the cheerleading squad."
"I love that was all serious and you just had to add that one happy thing." He chuckled.
"I feel like there's always one thing that makes you happy, even if it's small."
"Who was your best friend? What happened?"
"Her name was Elena. Elena Gilbert. She died in a car crash last spring."
"I'm so sorry to hear that."
"It's okay. Trust me, me and Bonnie get that a lot."
"Your turn. Tell me something about you." I added.
"My brother's a jack ass."
I laughed. "I knew that. Something else."
"I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since the first day of school."
We pulled into the parking lot, got out, and I looked at him.
He paused.
"Is your eye okay?" I asked.
He turned around.
"Yeah, just an eye lash."
He stayed turn around.
"Come here, let me see."
"I just got it out." He said quickly.
I shrugged. "Okay."
We walked in.
"I'm gonna grab us a couple drinks." Stefan said and stepped away.
"You bagged the new hottie as a date?! Yay!" Bonnie exclaimed.
"He likes me." I smiled. "And I like him too. Even if his older brother is a complete pervert."
"Damn. You go girl."
"Don't forget. Practice tomorrow, 3:30-6. We need to work on that routine."
"I know, Luna. Don't worry."
Stefan  returned.
"Stefan Salvatore, pleasure." He smiled at Bonnie.
"The pleasure is mine. We've heard so much about you from Luna." I stomped on her foot.
"Ouch." She muttered. "I better go find Adam. Get him to dance with me. Join us soon, okay L?"
I nodded.
"So back to our conversation from before." I said.
"I like you a lot." He kept holding my hand.
I smiled. "I like you too."
I spotted Damon from across the room, staring at us.
"Oh, brother. Literally."
"He promised he wouldn't bug you." Stefan said.
"His being here bugs me."
Stefan laughed. "In gonna go introduce myself to some people. Come with me?"
"I think I'm just gonna stay here, talk to some people I know." I replied. He smiled. "Don't ditch me."
A few minutes after Stefan left, Damon came over.
"Ew." I growled.
"Oh, please. Just want to have a conversation." Damon grinned.
"What would you like to talk about?" I mumbled.
"That Tyler boy. Your history."
"Me and Tyler dated. Now I don't like him. End of story."
"He broke your heart, didn't he?"
I rolled my eyes. "I saw something in Tyler, and he crushed it."
"You know, Stefan has had his heart broken too." Damon smiled.
"Who?" I asked, not remembering Stefan mentioning any exes.
"Her name was Katherine. Beautiful girl, almost as gorgeous as you."
I looked at him.
"You loved her too, didn't you?"
He shrugged. "I crushed, Stefan got mad cause I landed her and he didn't. Quite a slut, if you ask me."
I rolled my eyes again. "How come Stefan never mentioned her?"
"He's still hurting. The poor guy."
I looked down.
"I think I'm gonna ask Stefan to dance. And hope I don't see you the rest of the night."
"That's the spirit, help the little guy. Goodbye, Luna."
"Fuck you, Damon." I smiled.

"Dance with me?" I asked Stefan when I found him.
"I'm not really a dancer." He shrugged.
"Please?" I looked up at him.
He smiled. "Alright. One song."
"Two." He bargained.
"Deal.'' I smiled as I took his hand.
After the song, Caroline found us.
"May I have this dance?" She asked, looking at Stefan.
"No." I smiled.
Stefan chuckled a little under his breath. "Love you, Caroline."
"Yeah, yeah." She found her date again.
"Come outside with me?" Stefan asked.
I nodded and we went on the white deck outside.
There was complete silence for three minutes.
"Tell me about Katherine." I finally said.
He had a long sigh.
"You talked to Damon."
"Tell me. It's fine. I wanna know." I grinned.
"Katherine was selfish. While she pretended to love people, she was just wearing a mask. She only cared about herself."
"Damon said you wear still heart broken, Stefan. I'm not a rebound."
"Of course I know that. You're not. Damon was lying."
"So where's Katherine today?" I asked.
"She died." Stefan said shortly.
"And you're over her?"
"One hundred percent. I have my eyes on one girl." He smiled.
"Hold still. I wanna try something." Stefan grinned, and leaned in to kiss me.
The kiss was the one thing I've been waiting for since I first talked to Stefan.
"Am I interrupting something?" Tyler asked from the corner.
"Relax, I'm leaving. I didn't wanna spoil your moment. Bye."
Stefan rolled his eyes as I glared at Tyler's back.
"He's just upset cause I got you and he gave up something amazing." Stefan smiled again.

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