Chapter 21: Recover

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"Is she going to make it?"
You're sitting next to Lillie's bed, in a hospital in Celadon City.
The doctor nods:
"Of course, don't worry. We've had lots of casualties like this, and she looks like a strong lady. She'll need to recover for a few days before she can do anything intensive again, okay?"
You sigh:
"Understood. When will she be allowed to leave the hospital?"
The doctor smiles:
"Oh, today, sir! But as I said, she's going to need a few days of rest."
"Alright." You say nodding.
One of the nurses walks up to you, clearly irritated:
"Okay, now leave. We have work to do."
You shake your head:
"I actually thought I could stay here with Lillie."
The doctor smiles again and puts a hand on your shoulder:
"Sir, we know it's very hard for you, but we have to do our job, and people watching us doing our job is not usual around here. I'm sorry. I'll give you a call when she is allowed to go home. Most likely this evening, if everything goes well."
You sigh:
"OK." You say, walk to Lillie and give her a kiss on the forehead:
"Come back to me, Lil. Recover."
You quickly stroke her hair and then leave the building.

Gladion and the Team Rocket grunt were waiting outside. The grunt somehow survived the journey to the hospital, but needless to say he was exhausted, and he was laying on the ground, his hands chained. You pull him up:
"Get up, .... what's your name, actually?"
"Alf, sur!"
You laugh:
"Alf, my name is nót 'sir'. It's Y/n."
"Of course, su-... Y/n."
You make him walk:
"Let's go!"
He looks back:
"Wait... where're we goin'?"
You smile:
"To the estate agent!"

You walk inside a small building, a man sitting in a dull looking chair, in a dull looking room:
"Welcome, sir. What can I do for you?"
You sit down in front of him:
"I want to rent a house for ten people. Immediately."
The man smiles:
"Sir, I'm sorry, but we have only one house that big, and a buyer has already payed a huge sum for it."
You nod:
"How much did he pay?"
The man smirks at you:
"500.000 Pokédollars."
I have around 500.000...
"I'll pay 400.000."
He turns his ear towards you:
"Excuse me?"
You nod:
"You heard me. 400.000. I'm only going to need the house for a month or so. The other buyer can have it afterwards."
He laughs:
"Sir, that's not how things work here! The highest buyer gets the house."
You take the money out of your bag and put it on the table:
"And now yóú can have 900.000 Pokédollars in total, all you have to do is wait a month before giving the other buyer the house. You could just give me the keys now. It's up to you."
The suspicious man quickly grabs the money and your hand, and gives you the keys:
You stand up:
"Deal. But I warn you: when I'll have finished my mission, you're going to give me that money back and give me the house for free."
He laughs:
"And why would I?"
"Because I'll probably have saved your life. A good day to you."
You walk out of the building, meet up with Gladion and Alf and tell them how it went. You pick up your phone next and call Cynthia.
She's the one I trust most.
You immediately hear a soft voice:
"Y/n! I'm so glad to hear you again! I was wó-rried! How are you, where have you been and what's the matter?"
You smile:
"Cynthia, I'm glad to hear your voice too! I'm doing fine, but there's no time for small talk. Where are you and the others?"
"We're in a hotel in Pewter City."
"Good. Have you been to the house in Pallet yet?"
"Not since you left. Why?"
"No one suspicious is following you?"
"Are you sure?"
She hesitates and laughs:
"Except for Blue who wants to listen, or smell, too? I'm sure."
That made you laugh too:
"That crazy Blue! Alright, I want you all to come to Celadon City. I've bought a house for us all to live in for a while. I'll explain everything once you're back. Bye!"
You close your phone and smile at Alf and Gladion:
"Let's take a look at our new house! Everything should be already installed. The previous owners left all their stuff in it for some reason." You say, and turn over to Alf:
"And you need new clothes, Alf. The common folk doesn't like people wearing Team Rocket outfits... okay, no one likes Team Rocket but Team Rocket."
Between the walking, Gladion grabs your shoulder:
"Y/n, is everything alright?"
You smile at him:
"Of course! Why would it not be?"
He frowns:
"Is everything going well between you and Lillie?"
You sigh in annoyance:
"Yes! Why are you asking?"
He makes you stop, with Alf following the conversation closely:
"I know you, Y/n. Lillie is more hurt now than ever. Last time she got hurt you didn't eat for a whole day and you seemed dead. Now you're laughing, smiling and buying a freaking house! What's going on?"
Your face darkens:
"I'll explain about the house when we're all here. And I want you to not doubt my love for Lillie ever again. Okay?"
He laughs:
"Arceus, okay. But that still doesn't explain why you're so... not emotional."
That makes you laugh as well:
"Well, Erika taught me. Of course I'm sad, of course I'm angry because Lillie's hurt. But me being sad and angry won't help her, nor will it help you or the others. Of course I'm still the same, emotional person I was before. But if I'm able to keep myself strong, I will try to be as helpful as I can be."
Gladion isn't a man who gets surprised easily, but now he certainly got surprised big time.
A day full of surprises.
He just nods, and you continue to walk. Soon you reach the house.

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