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You started a chat with Unknown_Potato

Unknown_Potato: We have a serious problem, or if you actually wrote this to me

Ohmie: What's up, again it's late. Wattpad?

Unknown_Potato: maybe 😏
Unknown_Potato: Anyways, did you tell me to kill myself on Facebook. It's on our private messages. Or it is this so called hacker

Ohmie: you and I both know I would never say that.

Unknown_Potato: I don't believe you, who would be hacking you? -_-

Ohmie: want me to prove it? I will add you to a group chat with him.

Unknown_Potato: okay, if it's a friend that's saving your butt your dead to me.

Ohmie: I will invite you to a group chat in a few seconds. I will see you there

Unknown_Potato disconnected

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