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Hey guys, what's up?

It's almost been a year since I've posted a chapter on this book. Through that year you guys have been reading this book. Your positive feedback really makes me happy that you have enjoyed this story.

I just want to tell you that I've been through a hard time too. I met a very Controlling guy online. He was sweet at first, but soon started to get scary. I met him about five years ago and broke up with him four years ago. He forced me to do things through his words. He told me what I can and can not do. He also ruined friendships I had with other people. He still stalks me, posts pictures of me on his Instagram, and messages my sister asking for me. No matter what I do, he still comes back. He wasn't who I thought he was.

I just want to tell you something if you meet someone online. Ask for pictures, videos, anything that could show you the real person. Also be careful when talking about yourself, don't tell them anything personal. They will use it against you like the guy I met.

Be safe online friends, I don't want you to go through what I've been through. It's really scary..

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