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I stood on my front porch, backpack on my back, and Ryan behind me.

"Do I knock or..." I trail off.

"I think knock, I don't know. I have never been in this situation." Ryan laughed.

I took a deep breath in and knocked on the door. There was akward silence before anything happened.

"Welcome." A male said as he opened the door.

His chest went up to my face! This guy is super tall and buff. I don't think I want to mess with him right now, I should just walk away. Of should I run? This guy could beat me in any race.

"Dalton, I'm here for my sister and my home." I said, sounding stern.

"I'm not Dalton, but he is expecting you." The male said.

He walks back, allowing us inside. I walk through the door, Ryan close behind me. Ryan was so close to me I could feel his hot breath on my neck.

"Right this way, but this man gets to stay with me." The buff man said grabbing Ryan's shoulder.

"Yay, I'm so excited." Ryan sarcastically laughed.

"Where is the old fart himself." I spoke.

"Your room." The man said.

"How am I not surprised."

I walk up the flight if stairs and down the hall. My bedroom is the only room in the house with a blue door. The only colored door in the house while everything else is white. It was blue when we moved here four years ago. Dad says he is going to change the color but never does.

I confidently walked to my room and slammed the door open. I was expecting to see a really old, fat man. Nope. A child that was about twelve years old. My jaw dropped open. He was laying on my bed, smiling at me.

"Ahh." I trail on.

"Hi (y/n), glad to meet you! It's me Dalton." The young boy smiled showing a missing front tooth.

I had to hit my head a couple times. This is not going on.

"Ah yeah, ah where is my sister." I said trying to act firm.

"Well I can't tell you if you don't give me a kiss." Dalton laughed.

"Dude, that's weird. Your young!"

"It's not weird if you don't make it weird. So come here."

"I'm not kissing you. I want my first kiss to be special, so back off."

"Your sisters life is in danger."

"I don't think your small grubby hands are going to touch her. Your like ten, so yeah."

"Try fourteen."

"Great, a teenager. Even better."

He gets up from my bed and walks towards my window. He opened the shades and kept looking out.

"When you first messaged me I knew you were a keeper." Dalton said probably with a smile.

"What are you going to do if I told your parents." I sternly said.

"Mom is drunk in Vegas and Dad is in jail for a crime he didn't do."

"Grandma! Yeah!"

"Dead. (Y/n) you are going to try harder then that. This isn't going to get your sister back."

"What will make you release my sister."

"You. You will. I want you to come back home with me and live with me."

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