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Unknown_Potato joined the chat

Unknown_Potato: I just noticed something.

Ohmie: Yas, what is dat.

Unknown_Potato: Well I just watched a recent video from Mini Ladd. It was Mario kart. Of course OhmCreeper was there. I noticed that he writes and records in different moods. On recordings with his friends he seems so cute and innocent. Then when he is talking to you he seems so hostile and ugly. You picking up what I'm putting down?

Ohmie: I guess

Unknown_Potato: I'm so discusted with Ohm. I hate what he is doing to you!

Ohmie: yeah.

Unknown_Potato: you okay, you seem off. It's not like you.

Ohmie: well you would be if your favorite YouTuber is stalking you. Like I'm actually scared right now. He could be outside my window and I won't even know it.

Unknown_Potato: yeah. It sucks because I also am discusted with him. I keep on commenting on his youtube videos saying he's a bad person. All of his fans are giving me hate, if only they knew.

Ohmie: yeah, I'mma head to bed now.

Unknown_Potato disconnected

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