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WreckerOhm joined the chat

WreckerOhm: I have something exciting to tell you!

Ohmie: What?
Ohmie: why do I even respond to these messages?

WreckerOhm: you love me, duh
WreckerOhm: anyways. You remember when I saw your now ex John?

Ohmie: yeah...... Why?

WreckerOhm: yeah, um that wasn't him. It was the power of photoshopping​

Ohmie: you what!?

WreckerOhm: you know

Ohmie: you made me breakup with my boyfriend for something he didn't do! What crule mind would do that! Well of course yours. Why!?!

WreckerOhm: I wanted you all to myself. Can't you tell.

Ohmie: okay, let's meet. I wanna bash your skull in right now!

WreckerOhm: sorry honey, those painted nails of yours won't hurt me. Also you can't find me sweetheart.

Ohmie: are you scared now? You were so keen on finding me! Come out and play ohm!

WreckerOhm: it's hot when you get all angry. I love it.

WreckerOhm disconnected

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