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"Let's do this." I said driving through the gates to the prison.

"I have never been in a prison." Ryan said looking around the place.

I parked the car in the parking lot, a group of guards walked up to us. They had guns strapped to their belt buckles, probably telling us they mean business.

"Are you the people that messaged us saying that they were coming?" The main guard asks.

"Ah yeah." Ryan speaks up.

"Follow us. We have to walk through the halls with the prisoners. We have found a prisoner with the last name of bloyd. He knows your coming. Don't worry about the other prisoners remarks, just keep walking."

"Thank you so much!" I say.

"No problem. Also Mr. Bloyd hasn't caused alot of trouble, he almost seems despressed. So human interaction will be good for him."

The main guard started walking to the prison. The other guards surrounded Ryan and I.

We walked through different metal detectors and doors before we make it to a long hallway with cells.

"Remember no talking to anyone." The main guard says looking back at us.

We start walking down the hallway, some of the prisoners walk up to the cell and mumble something.

"Dinners over here sweetheart." A prisoner said grabbing my arm.

I ripped my arm away and glared. The man just smiled showing his crooked teeth.

Ryan pulled me away from the man to another cell. Standing in the cell was a very clean man. He had a nice shaved beard, his clothes were clean, and he had a sweet smile.

"Hello Paul what brings you here?" The man asks.

"Rick, these people want to talk to you." The main guard says.

Rick looks at Ryan and I. He smiles at the main guard and nods.

"Sure." Rick says.

Ryan and I walk in the cell with Rick. Rick sits down on his bed while Ryan and I stand up with mixed emotions. The guards lock us in with Rick but stand guard for precautions.

"What brings you here?" Rick asks.

I glanced at Ryan while he glanced at me.

"Do you have two sons?" Ryan asks.

"Oh yeah!" Rick smiles.

"Tell us about them."

"Dalton and Ty. I love those boys so much, I remember when they were babies as if it was yesterday. I would do anything to have my boys in my arms again. With their mother gone I thought it would hurt them, but they actually we're okay with it. I just hope they are doing okay at their grandparents house."

I glanced at Ryan with a frown on my lips. Ryan looked like he wanted to bang his head against the wall, I don't blame him at all.

"How long have you been in jail?" I ask looking back at Rick.

"I think two years I'm not sure." Rick says counting on his fingers.

"What would you do if I told you things your boys did to her." Ryan said narrowing his eyes.

"What did they do?"

"Dalton, did it all. I messaged him on accident and all that, okay. So after we talked for a few days, he started to get possesive and obsessive. Then I stopped talking to him because I found the person he was trying to be. He found out where I lived and he kidnapped my sister." I say trying to make sense.

"Also ty gave me this black eye." Ryan adds in.

"That doesn't sound like my boys at all. I've never tought my boys to do bad things, heck even punch. I don't think we are talking about the same people here." Rick said in a confused tone.

"Uh, I think we are. I have enough bail money to get you out of jail. Would you mind talking to your sons and tell them to give me my sister back." I say.

"I guess even though we probably aren't talking about the same people."

I looked at the guards and nodded. The guards showed Ryan and I where we need to go to get Rick out of this place.

As I was signing the papers Ryan came up to me and says, "This is like an interesting movie."

"Yup, and we're living it." I sigh as I pass the paperwork to the lady at the front desk.

"So we should get a hotel, seeing that is five in the afternoon. It takes five hours to get to your house. Plus you need to tell Dalton that your coming."


"Good luck with the Dalton problem."

"Gee, thanks."

He pokes me as I walk outside to go on my phone. The prison seems to have like horrible reception in it.

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