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I heard talking when my body decided to wake up. I picked my head up and saw the position Ryan and I were it. His arms are around my waist, and my head was on his chest. I looked over at Rick and saw him talking to a housekeeper.

"We don't need you right now!" Rick said in a hushed tone.

"Me clean?" The lady asks.

"For the third time! We don't need you cleaning."

"Me clean bathroom?"


That one startled Ryan because he shot up. He looked around then landed his eyes on Rick.

"We don't need you right now! Come back later!" Rick said.

"Just shut the door." I laugh.


He then slammed the door in the poor lady's face.

"What did I wake up too?" Ryan asked looking down at me.

"No idea." I say as I turn on my back.

"You guys are so cute." Rick said as he sat on his bed.

"Huh?" Ryan asks.

He has no idea how we were so close to each other.

"I took a picture on your phone." Rick said pointing at Ryan's phone on the table.

I glanced at the clock on the wall seeing it's nearly ten.

"We should start getting ready, I call shower first." I say getting up.

Ryan's POV

Once (y/n) was in the shower Rick turned to me. I looked at him in a confused way. Rick's eyes went over to my phone then back at me. Oh, he wants me to see that photo.

I pick up my phone and looked at my recent pictures. My jaw dropped at what I saw.

"Isn't that adorable!" Rick chirped.

"Ah." I said as I was lost for words.

"Did anything happen last night, I heard you guys laughing before you entered the room."

"Uh, it's nothing."

"It's something if your not telling me."

"Okay, we kissed."

Rick clapped in a obnoxious way. I glared at him so he stopped. My eyes glanced down at the picture before I turned off my phone. I got a keeper, that's for sure.

My Twitter went off all of a sudden. It startled me. I opened it up and saw someone saying they hate me. I scrolled down seeing more hate tweets. I clicked on my profile and saw the culprit. Dalton made a tweet just for my fans.

'Hello my friends and fans, I'm going to just put it all here. I haven't uploaded a video anymore because I hate YouTube. Everyone of my fans don't give me enough money, plus my videos are trash. So here by I'm saying bye forever, and I hate you all'

Some of my gaming friends tried explaining things, but it didn't help.

(Y/n) comes out of the bathroom while drying her hair. Rick quickly went into the bathroom, leaving us alone.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"Uh nothing." I quickly say.

"It has to be something."

"It's just Dalton, so it's nothing. Do you have a laptop at your house?"

"Yeah, I own a computer."

"Okay, I need to use it."


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