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I sat down at the table in the dining hall that Ryan was at. I dug in, Instantly feeling hungry.

"What are you going to do once this is all over?" Ryan asks.

I swallow the peice of chicken in my mouth before saying, "Since I'm not old enough to live on my own, probably with my grandma or something. Shoot, they have no idea mom and dad are ya know."


"So yeah."

"Why don't you and your sister live with me? I'm over eighteen, so that's fine right?"

"I think so, would you be okay with that?"

"It gets lonely talking to a dog you know."

"Also watching the bachelorette."

He glares at me before I bursted out laughing. Ryan soon joined in because I probably laughed in a obnoxious way. We soon stopped once we got weird glances.

After our plates were clean we decided on a walk outside. The cool air felt good against my fingertips. I danced to the beat of the music the bar was playing across the street. Ryan probably thought I was crazy because he was saying he didn't know me out loud.

We walked far away from the bar so I stopped dancing. We found ourselves at a little dock. I sat at the edge of the dock and put my feet in the water. I let out a sigh of relief as my body relaxed.

"(Y/n)?" Ryan asks.

I hummed in response.

"Watch out!" Ryan yells.

Without thinking I got picked up and got thrown in the water. In reflex I clung to the thing that was throwing me. I soon got a cold sensation once I landed into the water. I swim up to the surface and see Ryan getting water out of his eyes. I looked at him and laughed because he was in the water with me.

"Thank God I put my phone down on the dock." Ryan laughed.

I rolled my eyes as I swam around in the water. Sure it was cold, but it felt great.

I came up behind Ryan and wrapped my legs around his torso. I then wrapped my arms around his neck and layed my head on his shoulder.

"You comfortable?" Ryan joked.

"Yup, I'm a koala." I say.

He did try wiggling me off, but soon gave up. I soon let go feeling super cold. I crawled on the dock and just layed on it, letting the water dry off of my by itself. I soon got accompanied by Ryan who layed down next to me. I looked over at him as he turned to look at me. I blushed and turned my head as we locked eyes.

"(Y/n)?" Ryan asks as he sits up.

I sit up also and hummed my response.

"Can I be honest with you?"

"Of course."

"Okay you know how we have known each other for years?"

"Yeah, I think I know what's going on."

I blushed as Ryan lifted his hand up to my face and caressed my cheek. His thumb leaving soft trails against my skin. My blush only getting deeper as Ryan's lips touched mine. His lips, felt like fairy's wings. Our lips touched for a few seconds before we pulled apart. Ryan's eyes filled with love as he gazes into mine. I was struck with words, but Ryan let's out a small laugh.

"You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that." Ryan admits.

I was about to say something when a flashlight shines on us. They were on a boat.

"What are you kids doing! This is private property!" A male shouted.

Ryan grabs my hand and pulls me to my feet. We ran to our hotel, once we reach our room we bursted out laughing in the hallway.

"That didn't happen." I say as I unlock the door.

We tip toe past Rick and to the bed. I was a little damp but I don't care. I guess the heat of that kiss helped warm up my clothes.

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