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"Here is your key for the night. Enjoy your stay." The lady at the front desk of the hotel said to me.

"We asked for two rooms." I say.

"That's all we have left. There is a band in town this weekend, I'm sorry for the inconveniences."

I nod as I walk up to the two males. Rick had a huge grin on his face as he looked around the place. Ryan was on his phone typing at a fast pace. I cought their attention by fake coughing.

"Let's go!" I say heading for the elevator.

The males walk in the elevator after me so I pressed level '3'. The door closed at we went up. Rick was laughing slightly.

"I feel so free. How can I repay you Miss (l/n) and Mr. Wrecker?" Rick asks as the elevator doors open.

"You getting Dalton and Ty out of our lives is all we need." I say opening our hotel room.

There was two beds and three people.

"You boys can take the beds, I will take the couch." I say throwing my body on it.

"Nope. I'm not standing by that." Ryan said picking me off the couch and throwing me on the bed.

"Well I'm not standing by you on the couch." I say sitting up.

"Who said he was." Rick smiled.

"What's wrong with us sharing the bed?" Ryan asks.

"Oh." I say realising what he meant.

"Yeah. Now I gotta go Skype the guys, they wanna know what's going on."

Ryan walks into the hall, leaving Rick and I alone.

"He likes you." Rick said.

I stared at him for a few seconds, unsure no what he means.

"He looks at you like how my wife looked at me. Well when she was here." Rick said.

"What is that?" I ask.

"When he looks at you I see him admiring you, he even has a look of love in his eyes. I honestly think that boy likes you."


"I do! I know I may look like a old man, but I know my feelings when I see it. He loves you (y/n), believe me."

I layed down on my pillow as Rick went into the bathroom. I heard the shower turn on so I quickly sat up.

"Ohmwrecker likes me?" I whisper to myself.

That can't be happening, he's a friend. Just a friend. A friend. Ohmwrecker likes me as a friend.

I jumped as the hotel door opened. Ryan walked in and passed his phone to me. On his screen I see everyones faces: the vanoss crew.

"Ah hi." I say.

"How's everything going?" Evan asks.

"Good actually. This whole thing going on is like a movie or something."

"Write a book. I'll be your first customer." Mini smiled

"Gee thanks."

"I'm serious, write it."

"I will think about it. Lets just get this thing over with."

"Is it true?" Marcel asks.


"That your sister is kidnapped?"

"Well yeah. Dalton has her."

"Okay, I gotta go. Promise that you will keep us posted on what's happening?" Mini asks.

"Yes Craig, I will."


Everyone wished me luck as they left the call. I passed the phone to Ryan once every one was gone.

"They are really worried for you." Ryan said as he sat next to me on the bed.

"Well thank God for them." I laugh.

Rick exits the bathroom with a fresh set of clothes on. He looks at us, nods, and crawls under the covers.

"There is a buffet downstairs, wanna get something to eat?" Ryan asks looking at a peice if paper on the bed side table.

"Sure, why not." I say jumping off the bed.

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