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well, crap. This is only slightly insane. I made this  crack out of complete and utter boredom way back in what, 2015? it's now 2017.... and there's like 85.9K reads what the hell!!!!! 

The love and support you guys have been leaving is incredible, albeit a pain in the ass when it comes to checking my email account on the rare occasion that i do... kidding

I just wanted to make this lil something at the end because heck. 

I probably won't ever post anything ever again, simply because my life is hectic and i'm now somewhat of an adult... i have to worry about who the hell my prime minster is... god damn Australian politics.  

If i'm ever bored, perhaps one day i'll return with some crack bs word for word copy of a movie, but twisted into a story kinda thing, perhaps the next one should be the bee movie... 

i just want to thank you all for reading this trash and having fun with it. thank you for being supportive, even though some of you call me out on my spelling of colour, which is correct, you are wrong haha. you guys are amazing and even after three years this trash is going strong, which idk if that's a good thing considering it's a testament to the phandom... kinda. 

to think that back in 2015 that something i did for the meme would get this much love is incredible, my lil 16 year old fangirl would be crying, and even now as i type this i'm kinda shook bc why... why would u waste time reading this trash ahha... sorry this is just me rambling.... i'm, like i said, shooketh. 

ANYWAY! thank you once again, hope you are well and all is good. 

now, if i were to get back into the hell hole that is wattpad, what should i read, leave me some recommendations, even leave your own fic, i might check it out :) stay beautiful you lovely humans xx

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