Ch-3 School sucks ass

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"You will never get away with that uniform, for starters." Pj says pointing out the fact that I was wearing black skinny jeans instead of the trousers, my shirt was untucked and my tie was incredibly loose. "And FYI, no drinking, no smoking, no alcohol. No fireworks, no dangerous weapons, no illegal drugs. If you have a problem with someone, no random bitching. Structure your point.
No Web surfing, no bullying.
So, if you behave like an arsehole, we all suffer, so do not get us in your shit, or we will break you." Pj states. I'm not an idiot.

"Oh, I'm scared." I reply sarcastically.

We made our way over to the dinning hall. I followed Pj to a table. Chris, Anthony and Ian were already sat there.

Pj and I took our seats.

"Hi, Pj. Hi, how are you?" A random guy called as he walked past our table.

"Hi, Pj!" Another guy called.

"Hello." Pj replied kindly.

"What are you, like, prom king or something?"

"Pj's got a terrible affliction." Chris said.

"You're actually lucky that you don't have it. It's called popularity." Ian smirked. I sighed and sat down, not caring that the others weren't sat down. I was quickly yanked from my seat by Chris and Pj.

"What the hell."

"Hey, get up. Wait for Mrs Lester and the prefects." Pj instructed.

"Screw them." I said. Pj's and Chris' grips tightened in me making me wince. "That's physical abuse. I'm calling my lawyer."

"With what?" Ian asked, smirking.

"Well, hello, Phil." Chris states causing my focus to switch.
"How kind of you to grace us with your amazing presence." Is everyone gay here? Back in Malibu it was only myself, Connor, Troye and Tyler.

"And cue Felix in three, two, one..." Pj counts down and right on time Felix, the guy I met on the first day swoops in and grabs onto the arm of Phil.

"Subject's moved in on target. And we have contact." Pj commentates, earning a snicker from the three other boys.

"I love that Phil's always here at the beginning of term." Chris states "Such a perfect welcome back."

"So, who is Phil? And is everyone here gay?"

"Mrs Lester's son. And no, just Chris and Felix." Anthony says smiling.

"Devastating heartthrob. Won't look at any of us since he got caught playing doctors and nurses with a girl in the third grade when he was 11 though." Chris chimes in.

"Massive hoo-hah." says Ian.

"They're not together now, though." Pj says.

"Cause of her massive hoo-hah?" I laugh.

"No." Chris says rolling his eyes. "Fraternising is forbidden." He says seriously.

Just then food was put in our table. I scrunched my face up in disgust.

"I can't eat this." I state pushing the plate forward.

"Anorexia or bulimia? Because if it's bulimia we'd rather you didn't eat other people's birthday cake on their birthdays. It's such a waste." Pj laughs.

"Actually, I'm a pescetarian Monday through Wednesday,
fruitarian Thursday through Sunday and vegetarian always." I was dead serious, though Chris just laughed.

I really, really didn't want to eat this!


"Get out of the way!" Pj whispers pulling me to the side, just before Felix walked straight into me. Asshole.

"Hey, watch it." I say, determined to not be pushed around by him.

"We meet again. How sublime. Learn the rules.
When it comes to right of way, there is a hierarchy." Felix states. "Teachers, prefects, scholars, dogs, vermin, Americans. Pj? See to it he falls in line."

"What is this place? Hogwarts?" I scoff as Felix and his crew leave.

"Mate I wish."


"Bedtime, boys." Matron says opening the door

"Night." Pj says turning off his bedside lamp.

"Night." Chris says, along with Anthony and Ian.

" Daniel Howell, the correct school uniform. Wear it. Bed." I catch the uniform in my hands, though refusing to go to bed. It's only 9:30, what is this preschool.

"Daniel Howell, bed! Now!" Matron yells.


JUST FYI which btw means for your information, this is just an adaptation of the movie. In no way is it real.

Also I just made this because I was bored, I'm sorry if it is crap!

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