Ch-17 And the Shit stom continues

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"Someone here knows exactly what happened last night. What we're clear on is that this fire was no accident. If you have the sense to own up, no legal charges will be filed. If not, it will be passed on to the local authorities. You have until the end of the day to come forward."

I am in really deep shit.


Knock knock knock, here goes nothing.

"Come in." Mrs Lester calls from in her office. "Oh, what can I do for you, Dan?" She asks sweetly as I walk in. If only she knew. I take the lighter out of my pocket and place it on her desk.

"It's what I used to start it. It was an accident, and I thought I put it out." I exhale, Mrs Lester seemed confused. "But I guess not. Obviously not."

"Oh, Dan." She sighs, looking at me as if I were a wounded puppy. "You realise what this means, don't you?"

"Will I be expelled?" I ask, dreading the thought.

"The Honour Court will decide, but I suspect you'll understand that it's just a formality at this point." I nod.

"The weird thing is I really did try to turn it around. I didn't want to disappoint you. I'm so sorry." I say holding in tears. Don't cry Dan, don't cry.

"I'm so sorry, too, Dan."

Do you think maybe you could give this to Phil for me? I say handing over the letter I wrote to him explaining everything about this whole ordeal.


Phil POV

Dear Phil, how can I begin to say I'm sorry?

You are good and honest and true, and, well, I'm the opposite.

But I'm learning. So now I'm going to do the right thing.

And if it means I have to leave here, I just want you to know, I promise you I never wrote that e-mail.

For a moment there, yeah, you were my ticket out of here. But then I got to know you.

I have never felt this way before about anyone, specially with someone of the same gender, and I really need you to know that.

From Dan.

P.s. I'm so unbelievably sorry. Here have this lion.

What lion?

Knock knock knock. I open my door to reveal a rather blotchy looking Dan.

"I told her it was me. I'm going to the Honour Court, and then I'll be leaving." He exhales, holding back something.
"So, this is for you." He says holding out his hand to reveal a small, rather cute lion. I look directly at him as I take it

"Well done. You finally got what you wanted. You must be overjoyed." I say looking at the lion then at Dan.

"I couldn't be more unhappy." Oh pathetic.

"Please. Give it a rest." I say shoving the lion back into his hands and closing my door.


I couldn't do it. I broke down, tears streaming down my face. Dan you're not horrible. I read over the letter again and again, my emotions getting the better of me. Dan I'm so sorry.

I flung open my door and ran down the hall. It wasn't too long -in fact I barely made it past the hall of fame- till I found Dan. He was sat staring at the wall, tears brimming his eyes, as well as on his cheeks.

"Hey, I've been looking for you." I say trying to sound kind of upbeat. Dan doesn't turn to look at me

"Hi." He mumbles.

"So you backed out of our deal." I say remembering the night of the social.

"What deal?" He asks looking at me. Breaking my heart. He looked so lost, so sad and so alone.

"That you won't fry my head." I say looking him in the eyes.

"Yeah." He grinned before sniffling. "But you poached my heart." He cries. I grab him and pull him into my arms, no longer seeing the strong willed and sassy brown haired boy I fell in love with, but a broken and alone one who was in desperate need of a hug.

"Hey. Come on." I coo. "What if it doesn't have a moral? Or says Alice." I say quoting Alice in wonderland.

"I think I just fell down the rabbit hole and found it." He sniffles, grinning slightly. We sit there for a while as Dan tries to compose himself.

"Look." I say taking note if the pictures on the wall. "He looks exactly like you." I say pointing to the picture of a guy and a girl, presumably at social or formal.

"Yeah. That's my mum and dad." Dan said looking up. He paused. "He went to this school? I didn't even know. I thought only my mum went to boarding school in England." I was about to ask him about his mum but something told me otherwise.

"Well, guess it's time to face the music now." I say tilting Dan's head up and pecking him on the lips.

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