Ch-6 What kind of school is this?

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"I didn't start it. It wasn't my fault." I say barging through the doors of Mrs Lester's office.

"Go out and close the door." She says without even looking up.

"But you asked to see me."

"Yes, well, you have to knock before you enter."

I groan. "I can't believe it. This is all Swiss Cheeses fault" I swing myself around and walk out the door. This is unbelievable.

Knock knock knock

"Who is it?" Mrs Lester says as if she didn't already know. What the hell.

"Jesus Christ!" I moan.

"Oh, dear. We were led to believe you had a beard and sandals. Now, we'll have to change that stained-glass window in the school chapel." Mrs Lester replies sarcastically. Haha very funny.

"Look, I didn't start it, it wasn't my fault, and if this were America, I would sue." I paused and take a seat in front of Mrs Lester's desk. "That guy is a grade one a-hole with a severe attitudinal problem."

"I know perfectly well what happened, Daniel." Mrs Lester say calmly.

"Then why isn't Felix here too?"

"Because, unsurprisingly, it's you I want to talk to." She pauses to take a breath. "Look, I know it's very difficult being the only new boy in your year."

"You mean, the only normal boy." I interrupt. Mrs Lester sighs.

"What do you like to read, Daniel?"

"Um, I read Harry Potter, but usually I don't read." I state, feeling for the first time, relatively embarrassed.

"Well, might you be able to tackle such a thing as a book again?"

"I prefer movies and TV shows now."

"Well, my personal library seems to be missing the book version of Dexter. So, perhaps you might try this." Mrs Lester says standing up. She walked over to the book shelves behind her and picked out a book. Alice in Wonderland.

"Oh, my uncle's producing the film version." I state.

"Alice in Wonderland was originally a book. You might surprise yourself and actually enjoy it." Mrs Lester says handing me the book.

"This is my punishment?" I question. "This school is so weird."

"What do you want to get out of this school, Dan?"

"To get out of this school." I say truthfully.

//3rd person POV\\

"Right! That's done. Empty the water." Felix says pulling the now stained clothes away from Ben.

"Not that way, fool. You'll spill it. Out the window." Felix ordered after noting the direction in which the red haired boy was going to empty the water.

"Out the window?" Ben asked, confused.

"Just get on with it." Felix ushered.

"Are you sure?" And with that Ben tipped the bucket of coffee stained water out the window.

Dan gasped as water fell straight down on him. What the fuck. He looked up and saw stupid Felix's head poking out the window.


"So sorry. Just can't trust the help these days." Felix said feigning guilt. "Do you have a pass to be out during lessons?"

"Oh, yeah, I do. It's right here!" Dan yelled pulling his hand out of his blazer pocket and flipping Felix the bird.

"Well, don't walk on the grass." Felix yells as Dan walks off.

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