Ch-18 Time to face the music

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Chris POV

"Chris, I'm never wrong. When am I ever wrong?" Anthony exclaims.

"You're wrong when we did the math challenge." Ian points out and Anthony shushes him.

"Hey! He confessed. He's going to Honour Court this afternoon." Pj says barging into the room.

"That's brave." I point out

"And really stupid." Anthony sighs. Pj lifts an eyebrow. "Because guess what I've discovered." Anthony says shoving the email in Pj's face.
"The e-mails were sent 11:40 in the morning. But according to Chris, Dan left the computer room a few minutes after 11:00."

"I got my 11:00 Wagon Wheel, then I went to tell him Phil was waiting. He left immediately." I butt in.

"I was able to access the keystroke order of the root file to find out who else was logged on there then." Anthony pauses. "And guess who the only other person was?" He asks.

"Who?" Pj asks.

"FELIX!" He exclaims.

"And when you think about it, Dan would never say 'term.' He calls it a bloody samosa or something." Ian says

"'Semester.'" Anthony corrects him. "Whatever. Anyway, to check the reality, I had a sneaky look in his phone for anything.

"Don't do that." Pj calls out in horror.

"Shut up and listen." I say.

"I think -deep breath- I kind of love them like proper friends I've known forever. They've made me say words like "horridious" and "herbal. Which is sort of whack, and I'd probably hate them if I wasn't one of them. But I like that I am now one of them."

"Apart from some atrocious spelling mistakes, it's all a bit more kosher, don't you think?" Anthony points out after he finishes reading.

"And now he's going to get thrown out." Pj exclaims in sudden realisation.



"It is with great regret and sadness that we call the Honour Court to session." Mrs Lester says gaining the attention of the crowd.

"It will henceforth be our job to objectively and dispassionately ascertain what happened that fateful night that will hence to forth long blight the memory of this proud institution. It is your duty to understand the dark forces that drove a seemingly..." Felix speaks, only to get cut off by Mrs Lester herself.

"Felix? May I remind you that the Honour Court is no place for your personal grandstanding, and that Daniel has a right to speak in her own defence before the Court as a whole passes judgement?"

"Thank you, Mrs Lester." I say genuinely. "I won't insult everybody by trying to defend myself or my actions. So, I think it's safe to say that I've really messed up. And I apologise profusely. But I'm also so grateful to you all. I tried really hard to get out of this school, and only now do I realise just how much I want to stay. I've learnt so much being here. Being with all of you.
And in some ways being with my dad, who I found out was actually a student here. I've had a hole in my heart for five years, and somehow being here, it slowly started to heal.
I know I may have looked like a California guy, but in my heart I've discovered that I really am an Abbey Mount guy." I say holding back the tears, trying not to cry over my mum.

"Objection!" Felix yelled causing me to jump.

"Sustained." Mrs Lester said.

"The court will heretofore disregard the previous statement and perhaps heretofore we can begin the real business." Felix pauses. "Can you tell us, in your own words, where were you on the aforementioned evening of..."

"Honestly, Felix. Who else's words do you expect her to use?" Mrs Lester moaned, clearly pissed. "Just leave this to me."

"Right. Sustained." Felix said as of it were a real court.

"Daniel, were you in the cook's sitting room on the night of the fire?"

"Yes, I was."

"Were you there with permission?"

"No. I was not." Chatter broke out among the crowd making me more nervous.

"Quiet, please. Silence in court." Mrs Lester intervened, thank god. "Did you intend on starting a fire?"

"Not really." I say.

"Objection!" Felix butts in and I roll my eyes. "Does the defendant mean yes or no?"

"Felix." Mrs Lester says sternly.

"It means no, I had no intention of actually doing it."

"Was anyone else with you?" Mrs Lester asked kindly.

"Not as far as I know."

"I was." Huh? I look around to see Pj stand up. What the hell?

"I was." Ian says standing up also.

"I was." Both Anthony and Ian say at the same time. And just like that, a chain reaction was lit and the whole room echoed with 'I was'.

"Objection! Stop! Order!" Felix yells standing up also.

"I was." I boy in one of the younger years said.

"Stop it!"

More people started standing up and saying 'I was' leaving me utterly confused.

"This is ridiculous! What are you all doing? You're lying." Felix freaks out. "They're lying, Mrs Lester."

More people stood up.

"This is a conspiracy. You can't expel the whole year, and they know that."

"Be quiet, Felix! Sit down, everyone." Mrs Lester yells, raising her voice for the first time since I've been here.

"It's a black-and-white case. He has to be expelled." Felix complained. "The boy set fire to the school, endangering all our precious lives. He walked in there, lighter at the ready, and tried to burn the place down."

"Lighter?" Finn asked Felix.

"Not now, Finn. Have respect for court protocol."

"What lighter, Felix?" Jack asked, this time louder than his twin.

"Jesus, Jack, how daft can you possibly be? That ridiculous "I heart LA" lighter of his. He left it behind, for God's sakes."

"Except, how do you know that, Felix? No one's mentioned a lighter before." Finn interjected. You're going down asshole.

"What? Yes, they have." He says in defence.

"Objection. Actually, Felix, they haven't." Jack piped up.

"I have to second Finn's question, Felix. How did you know about that lighter?" Mrs Lester asked.

"Well, I..." Felix trailed off.

"Phil found the lighter before anyone saw it." I say.
"How could you possibly know unless... Unless you were there?" Oh god it all makes sense now.

"This is absurd. I refuse to sit here and listen to these wild..."

"I had put it out. And I heard footsteps. It must have been you." I interrupted. "Oh, my God. You restarted the fire, didn't you?"

"Felix, is this true?" Mrs Lester asked.

"Of course not." Denial.

"It all makes sense now. I knew it. I think I'm innocent." I say, trying not to sound too excited.

"We think so, too." Jack and Finn say in defence, backing me up.

"You're not!" Felix exclaims. You awful dickhead! You've turned this school upside down. You've ruined everything. You started it. I only finished what you started!" Felix raged, letting everything out, sounding like a mad man.

"Felix? My office, now." Mrs Lester yelled, earning a gasp from Felix.

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