Ch-11 Social

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Annoying pop music was playing in the background. The guys and I weren't in the gym yet, we were still upstairs, drinking and having fun.

//3rd person POV\\

"Felix is coming." Jack and Finn said simultaneously.

"Right, yes, yes, yes." Mr Green nodded and changed the music to a more sophisticated tune. Everyone, girls and boys alike laughed a little as Felix came out dressed in an old tux, looking like it came straight out of the 1800's, a top hat and monocle.

"Mr Lester." Felix said as he approached Phil. Phil looked confused. "What undue pleasure it is to be afforded your company."

"Hi." Phil said unsure if what to make out of the situation. His friends, Marcus, Alfie, Caspar and Joe stood behind him, snickering slightly.

"Phil, it's me." Felix said taking off his fake moustache.

"Of course, Felix. Um..." Phil looked nervously around the room, hoping to break away from him.

//Dan POV\\

"Okay, Dan, let's get Phil." Chris said taking another swig from the bottle.

"Hide that." Pj says slapping Chris' wrist.

"Yeah yeah."

We took the stairs down into the gym, feeling like proper English royalty. I couldn't help but smile. This could be fun.

"Hi." I said finding Phil in the corner near the food. What a great place to reside.

"Hello, Dan. I like your hair." Phil side poking my forehead.

I heard a groan and next thing I knew, Felix stood next to me.

"What are you doing? This is a themed costume party, you're just wearing black, as per usual, what else? Were you listening to My Chemical Romance whilst smoking and drinking in your room?" Felix says smugly. I just smiled, like Tyler told me. When someone is a dick to you, just be nice to them, it really pisses them off.

"I'm so sorry. I must say that you look incredible." I say but I couldn't maintain the niceness. "You make an excellent Shrek." I say before grabbing Phil and taking him over to the main dance floor.

"This is my favourite song. Come on." It wasn't really I just needed an excuse. I needed to get out of this hell hole and if that meant playing with Phil I was fine.

I alternated dancing with Phil, with all my friends as well as other people, a girl named Zoe, a boy named Caspar, a girl named Tanya and many more.

Then the alcohol kicked in, I immediately felt dizzy. Oh shit. I nearly fell over multiple times on my way back over to Phil. And then I tripped.

"Ugh!" Ow my head. Stars, I see stars... wow Phil you're actually pretty cute... Oh god people.

People started crowding around me. I could see Phil, Pj, Felix, Chris, Anthony, Zoe and Ian.

"Hey, you okay?" Phil exclaims waving his hand in front of my face.

"You're awesome." I think to myself. Or did I say that out loud... I don't know?

"Is he okay? Shall I call an ambulance? You can be sick in my hands if you'd like." Mrs Green says kindly. Aw she's so sweet.

"He's acting like he's drunk. He should be taken to bed." Felix you bum, don't dampen my rainbow.

"Phil can do the honours." Chris winks. You saucy boy you.

"You really are a horridious piece of work."

"Mr Lester doesn't think so." I giggle. Wait what kind of man giggles. I'm a manly man.

"He's just a little concussed. He just needs some air." Phil says sternly, picking me up and helping me to my feet.

"Great idea." Mrs Green says ushering Phil away.

"Come on."

We leave the gym and I'm taken to some place with a sofa.

"So, explain yourself, Mr Howell."

"I'm afraid I can't explain myself, sir, because I am not myself right now, you see." I say quoting Alice in wonderland

"Said Alice to the Caterpillar." Phil chuckles.

"You're right. How did you know?" I ask.

"I was Alice in the school play." Phil pauses and I give him a weird look. "All boys, before you look at me weirdly." I blank out suddenly and can feel myself talk but I can't control it.

"Hey. You so don't need to play hard to get. I'm totally into you." I say... I think. What am I doing?

"Hey, come on. Calm down." I remember now, I'm getting expelled.

"Ah I get it, all-boys school, awkward with intimacy." I say. "Cards on the table. Are you gay?"

Phil laughs "Mainly just English. Possibly a bit. Anyway I am sober and sensible, and you, my sweet friend, are overexcited and concussed." He pushes me back down to sit back on the sofa and no longer in him.

"I go back to school tomorrow, but I'll be back on the 18th. How about I see you then?" He asks.

"Okay." Will I still be here? Maybe I don't know.

"I'll make a deal. No more head-fry behaviour. I sense it might be your forte." Phil chuckles to himself, cute.

"I won't fry your head if you don't poach my heart." That was cheesy Dan, but you should try and remember that.


I lean in, as does Phil. Im not going to deny the fact that I may possibly have a crush on the strange British lad who I know nearly nothing about. I shake that thought from my head, no I need to get out of here. Please someone see.

"Ehem." Someone clears their throat.

"Crap. Tweedledum and Tweedledee." Phil exclaims rubbing his neck.

"Fraternizing, Phillip Lester, as you are well aware, is not allowed. - Daniel Howell, get back inside. Immediately." Jack says sternly.


"So, is Operation Phillip well and truly underway?" Anthony questions.

"God knows. Felix didn't come, so it just depends on whether Tweedledum or Tweedledee decides to tell her." I mumble.

"There's nothing to worry about." Pj says.

"Clearly not. Right. We're going to have to come up with an addendum to Plan B." Anthony states. I sigh.

"Isn't it ironic how my ticket out of here just might be the reason I want to stay?" I pause and look at all the people around me... my friends. My first group of I guess you could say 'real' friends. Sure Tyler and Bethany are my friends but nothing like this. "I mean, one of the reasons, anyways."

"Someone call Al Gore. I think the ice queen is melting." Chris exclaims wrapping me in a hug.

"What an awesome night." Ian says.

"Yeah I know eight girls have actually come up and directly spoken to me." Anthony says flicking through his phone.

"Now, for all you lovers out there. It's your final chance. It's the last dance." Mr Green, the DJ announces.

"Come on." Chris says grabbing my arm.

"Come on." Pj says as well.

"Last dance, everybody! Come on!" Chris says yanking Anthony away from a girl with light brown hair.

"There's something I have to tell you." I say to my group of friends.

"We already know. You wax your chest." I raise an eyebrow at Ian and shake my head.

"Not quite, I just have the body of an 8 year old girl."

"You haven't done it, have you?" Pj states.

"No. I mean, I couldn't admit it back home, so I kind of lied, but I'm a total monk."

"Welcome to the ministry." Chris, Pj, Ian and Anthony chant.

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