Ch-14 Is this a date?

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Dear Tyler, today's my big date with the headmistress' son, Phil.

Wish me luck, I may be out of here before you know it.

I send the email just as Chris walks into the computer room.

"Lover boy's waiting outside for you." He states as I stand up.
"But remember, you want someone to catch you out. So stay near school, and good luck." He says patting my back.

"Thanks. Fingers crossed."


"Phil Lester. Nice to finally see you when I'm not delirious or half naked." I state getting into his car.

"Don't speak too soon." He chuckles.

"Aww you're letting the gay shine through. And is it wrong for me to say that I'm just a teeny bit disappointed?" I smile.

"Come on, Dan. Let's hit the road."

"Hey, I thought maybe we could take a romantic stroll around the school grounds." I suggest, c'mon Phil I really need to get caught.

He just laughed. "And get caught? Are you out of your mind?" He paused. "Call me old-fashioned, but I actually do quite like living."

We took off down the road. The wind was making my hair go crazy. My fringe was back though now it would most likely be curly.

"Hey do you wanna drive?" Phil yelled over the music and wind.


"Do you want to drive?" He asked again.


[3 minutes later]

"I thought you said you could drive." Phil asks, his kiln uncalled white from gripping the hand break.

"It's not my fault your stupid car doesn't work." I complain.

"Have you ever thought of changing gears?" He laughs.

"That's the car's job." I say back, is this a ducking manual?

"Turn right here." Phil laughs pointing at the exit. "We drive on the left in this country by the way." Phil points out as I swerve.

"Whatever." I chuckle.

We pulled over at a park. it was cute and I loved it. I immediately ran to the swings, followed by Phil who was laughing hysterically at my child-like behaviour. I took at seat on the swing, leaving Phil with the children's swing.

"I can't fit in this!" He exclaims.

"Well you better try." I laugh. Phil tries to sit in it but ends up falling off. I laugh at him as he pouts.

"Why the long face?" I ask.

"Ha ha" Phil says sarcastically pulling me down with him.

"Hey that was mean." I whine.

"Sorry but it was only necessary." I lean in and kiss him on the cheek.

"So was that."

"Aww you're letting your gay shine through." Phil teases.

"Shut up, you're cute." I say blushing.

"So..." Phil trails off. "Tell me, how did you end up here?" Cue long story of how I fucked up real bad.

"And so I threw the whole lot over the cliff. My dad went mental, as Chris would say. Chris says I was crazy, but Peej said he would have done exactly the same in my position." I say. I pause noticing Phil staring. "Sorry, chattering away like this. Feel free to shut me up."

"Well, remind me never to get on your bad side." Phil pipes up, smiling.

"What about you Phil?"

"What about me?"

"Tell me a it about yourself. You seem to be an interesting guy."

"Not really, I just love lions. Like my friends Joey and Luke think it's ridiculous." I laugh.

"Roar!" I imitate.

"Here you go." Phil says handing me the sandwich thing he had been working on. I look at it and raise an eyebrow.

"Bread and fries, that's my treat?" I question, earning a smile from Phil. The smile/smirk thing he does oh-so-often.

"If I affect your life in no other way, then allow me this honour, the humble chip butty." He says happily.

"Here we go." I say taking a bite. "Kind of gross, but I like it." I chew a little more as the two of us eat in silence. "You know, this is one of the best dates I..."

He kissed me. I smiled into the kiss. It wasn't heated, or passionate, just sweet.

"The best date I've ever had. And that's including dates with girls." I say as we break apart.

"Maybe it's because you don't have to pay." I smile

"Maybe." Phil pouts. "Or maybe it's just because you are amazing Phil."

"There's something about you, Daniel Howell. Every moment I'm with you, I catch my breath."

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