Ch-5 Soccer

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I've never been one who likes physical activities, PE for school being one of them. Although, when I found out that we were in fact playing football/soccer for PE I got a little bit excited because, well I'm not one to brag but, I'm pretty great at soccer.

"Lovely, Felix." Mrs Green said.

However turns out they have a team, which I'm not on and PE for some reason only involved the teams training, so yay boredom.

"Crack on, team." She encouraged. "Lovely foot work, Felix."

After about 20 minutes of sitting on the sideline doing nothing PE was over.

"Well, super, super effort. We may not win the championships, but we'll win a lot of friends, yeah?" Mrs Green said.

"So bloody English." I sighed earning a look from everyone.

"Really. And you could do better?" Felix asked in a mocking tone.

"Laugh it up, but I could whip all of your asses blindfolded."

"This I'd love to see." Felix laughed.

"Oh, it's on like Donkey Kong. Do your worst, Swiss cheese."

And before i knew it I was in goal and Felix was about to kick. All I had to do was defend the goal and then score one. Simple.

Mrs Green blew her whistle signally the start of the match. Well penalty shoot out.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh" Felix screamed running at me. And sending the ball flying. I caught the ball, thank god, but then Felix ran straight into me"

"What the fuck!" I yelled as I toppled over. I threw the ball at his head.

"Dickhead." I yelled pulling at Felix's hair. Felix threw a punch and hit me square in the jaw. Ow that fucking hurt a lot.

"That's for calling me Swiss cheese motherfucker. I'M NOT SWISS, I DON'T LIVE IN SWITZERLAND!"

"Foul! Body check. Body check!" Mrs Green yelled pulling Felix and myself apart.

"Dickhead!" I screamed, holding my chin.

"Asswipe." Felix retorted.

"Please!" Mrs Green said stepping between us.

Honk honk

Now Mrs Green that's how you get us to stop fighting.

"Shouldn't you guys be in face paint and strange mankinis for that?" Phil asked smiling. Obviously referencing WWE.

"Hi, Phillip. Dig the car." Felix said trying to regain composure.

Phil revved the car.

"Hello, Howell. Dan Howell." Phil said, ignoring Felix.

"Hi." I sad back, fixing up my fringe.

"Hey!" Felix said trying to gain Phil's attention.

"Bye" Phil said before driving away.

"Ooh, do you love Phillip?" I tease. "Do you want to kiss Philly on the lips?"

"Don't be so immature."

"Don't try and hide it, dude. Embrace the gay. Anyway. We've got ourselves a SULA." Felix looked confused an embarrassed. "Sweaty Upper Lip Alert."

The guys were trying to hold back their laughter.

"Ugh asshole." felix said before storming off.

//3rd person POV\\

"How on Earth did Phil know his name?" Felix paused, taking a seat on his bed. "I don't understand. Why was he looking at him?"

"He was looking at him so he didn't come across as looking at you." Jack reassured Felix.

"He needs to be careful. He can't get caught." Finn said backing up Jack.

"Yeah, and if he looked at you too much, he wouldn't be able to control himself." Jack said looking at his twin, wishing he was anywhere but here. Finn nodded in agreement, he didn't want to be here either.

"You're probably right." Felix said standing up and walking over to the window. "But we're going to have to do something about mister USA. He needs a lesson in exactly who's boss, methinks."

"We think so, too." Jack and Finn said at the same time.

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