Ch-7 Operation Freedom

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"For the tenth time, you need to make your bed." Pj whines. I really didn't want to make my bed so I just huffed and threw my duvet over it.

"Jesus. What's so bloody hard? Pick up. Put down. It's not rocket science." Pj exclaims taking the sheets from me. "Sit down. I'll do that." He says his mood shifting.

"Thanks." I mumble. I was cold and tired and pissed off, all whilst being incredibly home sick.

"You're freezing. You need a jumper." Pj says tossing me a grey sweater.

"Thanks." I mumble. "Didn't figure I'd be here this long."

"Nothing worse than the only message you get all day being from the phone company." Pj says changing the subject.

"But Matron took all the phones." I state.

"No. She took all your phones. She took our decoys." So that explains the shitty phones. "She has no idea that none of them work. We keep our real phones hidden." Pj takes out his iPhone and gives it to me. "Here. Call your parents. Call your therapist. Knock yourself out."

"But why would you do this for me? You think I'm a total asshole." I say taking the phone out of his hands.

"No, you behave like an arsehole. There's a difference." Pj smiles. "Look, I know that I'm not some Malibu therapist, but I can guess that you're feeling scared and a little bit homesick. Possibly something else. Which, in my experience, doesn't actually make you a bad person. Just a normal one." Pj says after finishing with making my bed.

"Sweet photo." He notes looking at my nightstand. "Is it your mum? She going to come out and visit?" I smiled a bit at his ignorance.

"She died in a car accident when I was 11." I state, feeling the sudden urge to crawl back into my shell. Not my cocky asshole shell, but my 'well fuck', 'what good is life if you can't enjoy it' shell.

"Oh. Dan, I'm so sorry." Pj says taking a seat next to me.

"I know you're not some Malibu therapist, but..." I begin.

"Listen. Are you serious about getting out of here?" Pj says.


"Then, you're going to have to get yourself expelled."


"Anybody disporting themselves in an improper manner will be proposed for expulsion before the Honour Court."

"Wait. What the hell is Honour Court?" I ask.

"It's like a trial in front of the whole school, by your peers, your teachers, the Head Boy, and Mrs Lester. But I'm telling you, it hardly ever happens. If you really want to get expelled, you can't just rock the boat. You have to drive it up onto the rocks, set fire to the galley and dance on the burning deck. You have to take it all the way."

"Aye, aye, Captain." I state, saluting Pj.

"Now make your calls. Tip for best reception. On top of the cupboard." Pj says standing up and walking out of the room.

Hi, Tyler. Miss you mate, though I'm going to escape. I promise you. You have no idea what it's like here.

I wish you could come and rescue me.

Take care of Adrain for me.


Matron had just come in and told us lights out, but I still wasn't feeling like doing much. I could feel a relapse coming. So I did what I used to do when I felt 'sad', I took out my lighter


"Watch it, Wee Willie Winkie, you'll set us all alight." Chris laughs. Hmm they were all still awake.

"Now, I've had a word with the guys." Pj says. "True, some of them took a little more convincing than others." He looks directly at Ian. "But it's decided. We're going to help you."

"We're your very own crack unit. Operation Freedom." Chris says excitedly.

"Anthony, please explain."

"Right. We'll commence with an entry-level basic favourite. Just to get warmed up."

"But it's no good just playing the same old tricks. Try to be as imaginative as possible. Only do things that will get you noticed. Vary your targets as much as you can. And although we'll all be helping you, the important thing to remember... is that you have to get the blame for everything."

"If you make enough of a nuisance of yourself... She will eventually bow to pressure, and she'll have to call your father. And then, with any luck, she'll recommend you to the Honour Court."

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