Ch-20 The End

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"Who are we?" I ask my friends. After the term ended I managed to convince dad to fly Chris, Peej, Anthony, Ian, Jack, Finn and Phil over to the US for a holiday.

"Definitely Kim Kardashian." Chris says flipping his hair.

Beep beep beep.
My phone rang.

"Fire!" Phil yells pushing me into the pool.

"No Phil that was uncalled for. I don't care how hot you are, that was bloody uncalled for." I say knowing that I'll have to re-straighten my hair for our date later on.

My phone continued to ring.

"Who's Tyler?" Phil asks, worry evident in his voice. I pull myself out of the pool and walk up to him and my phone. I decline the call.

"Nobody. Just some horridious cow I used to know." I scoff sitting down next to Phil. (I'm sorry Tyler! Love!!!)

"Oh god you two need to get fucking married right now!" Ian yells before jumping into the pool.

"Yeah and you can be the priest." I yelled back at him, earning a laugh from Chris.

"Can I be the bridesmaid?" He asks.

"Sure why not." Chris smiled and tackled PJ to the floor. "And Pj can be my date." He says kissing Pj on the cheek.

"My mouth is here you dildo." Pj laughs kissing Chris on the lips. I turn away laughing.

"What about me, don't I get some love?" Phil asks wrapping his arms around me and pulling me onto his lap.

"I'm taller than you." I point out, why, I don't know.

"So?" He asks.

"Nevermind." I say leaning in and kissing him passionately on the lips.

Who are we? Or perhaps who am I? It goes without saying that I am neither American nor British, but a bit of both.

Either way I'm happy. Not happy and sad like usual, but pure happy. As though my life never got turned to shit.

England, you gave me a new perspective and with that new perspective comes brand new opportunities for success. Which I'll take one step at a time, with open arms and a positive attitude.

In the past I was terrible. Now I'm not so bad. Kind of like rehab, I'm getting better. Slowly but surely, with the help of people who mean the world to me.

Who are we? More like... Who am I?

I'm Daniel James Howell and I fucked up pretty bad many times, and many more times to come.

I'm a full time internet homo, though no one knows it.


Come for the accent stay for the existential crisis.



Also, all youtubers in this story are amazing and I love them all to bits.
In no way am I trying to say so thing by making Tyler or Felix bad guys, it's just who I felt would be funny in the roll.

This was all for lol's and shouldn't be taken seriously... At all, I mean, guys I basically followed the script of a movie.



Fish! out xx

Also real quick... I rarely visit this site anymore, but occasionally i look through my emails and see your guys' comments and i swear to god, y'all are so lovely and thank you so much for supporting this train wreck of a crack fic

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