Ch-10 Into Town

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So apparently, the key is to hook up with the headmistress' son. What the hell do I do? I think perhaps I'll just wing it.

I send the email.

"Oh, come on, Dan. We're going to miss the bus." Pj says coming into the computer room. I stand up and follow him.

"Don't forget to log off now, you ninny." I did.

"Everyone, sign out. Remember you are representatives of the school." Matron says pushing a sign out sheet in front of Pj's face.

"Sign your own name. Come on." Matron pauses to look at me. "Daniel Howell. What are you wearing?" You are going into town, not appearing in a heavy metal band. Change immediately."

"I don't have anything else." I say looking down at the black on black.

"I thought you might be quite concerned by that attire, Matron." Well shit it's Felix. "So we had a little look-see in lost property on our way here. Didn't we?"

"We did." The twins either side of Felix exclaim.

"It'll suit you. Promise." Felix says holding up a mustard yellow sweater with a Yorkie on it. fuck.

"Well, that's cute. My grandma used to have a dog just like it." Chris says as Pj and I spot him and the others at the bus stop.

"Dan, I think your jumper is the cat's pyjamas." Anthony laughs.

"Come on, guys. In you go. Hurry up. Upstairs." The bus driver says. Everyone makes their way onto the bus. "Don't push. Don't push. Plenty of room. Come on. Here we go." Shit I think I dropped my phone. I pat down all my pockets freaking out.

"Come on, Dan! Oh my god I have your phone! C'mon." Ian yells getting my attention. shit. I run after the bus, though due to my lack of fitness that was very hard and painful, I swear I was tasting blood. I get close to the bus, close enough to touch Chris' hand.

"Jump!" They all exclaim. "Dan! Jump!"

I jump onto the bus and I'm greeted by laughter.

"Oh, my God, look." Pj says gaining the attention of everyone.

"Holy shit!" I exclaim. Opeth is blaring out the speakers of Matrons car. The whole bus erupts with laughter. And I hi-five Ian.


"Where are we going?" I ask.

"To our favourite shop." Anthony says skipping ahead.

"Cancer research? Guys, I'm all about finding a cure, but considering I flunked chemistry, I don't know how much help I'm going to be. And BTW, which, FYI, means By the way, this is supposed to be shopping time." I say kind of letting out my inner gay.

"We're not going to be doing the research you dildo. This is a charity shop. The money goes to charity." Ian laughs

"Oh, I just had a heart palpitation." I pause. "You guys are so adorable, but we need to look really hot for the social you need to impress some girls, and guys." I say winking at Chris. "So let's go hit Oxford Street." I exclaim happily, not too keen on the cancer shop.

"I take it you flunked geography, too. Oxford Street is in London, my friend. This is your lot." Pj laughs.

"Ian, take that big bra off my head." Anthony yells.

"Hey, Chris! What about this for Ascot?" Pj asks.

"Magnificent." Chris replies

"Is this too workaday?" Ian says coming out of the change room in a orange jumpsuit.

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