Ch-13 Lets do this!

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"All right, people. Choose a goal buddy." I say as I arrive at training.

I always loved training with music, thus I brought with me my phone and speakers. Let's do this. I think to myself as I press play on my spotify playlist.

"From now on each sentence starts with "I will," not "I want to."

"I will want to saliva vomit if we have to call each other buddy." Chris complains.

"Shut up. I'm giving us an aggression makeover." In the words of Tyler the queen.


"Go, go! Crawl, crawl, crawl! Who is that, Ian? Ian!"

"Get it! That's okay. Pick it up, kick it!"

"Pass it, pass it. Come on, faster, faster, faster!"

"This is ridiculous. Come on, play like you mean it, maybe try."

"Call the ball. "Mine." "I got it." "Your ball." I say as Joe and Caspar run into each other. Oh my god this is embarrassing.

"Come on, Chris." Pj whines as Chris missed the ball again, letting it into the net.

"Chris, you're pretty good."


"Pass the ball!" I yell gaining his attention. Chris kicked the ball to Anthony who scored.

"Let's do this in game day!" I say as everyone is packing up.


"Congratulations once again to our under-18 football team who beat Bodley on Saturday, 5-2. Well done."



"Come on, you guys! Come on, up and together." I say.
"Come on, kick it like this, Joe. Come on, come on. What is this?"

"Go! Go! Come on, Ian!" Pj yelled. "Come on. Quicker, quicker, quicker!"

"Ian, come on! Yeah!" I exclaim as Ian shots and scores.

"Anthony! Go, your ball!" Pj yells, kicking Anthony the ball.

"Shoot, Anthony, shoot!" I scream.


"And the groundbreaking news
is that Abbey Mount is through to the football championship final."

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