Ch-12 Soccer bitch

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"Come on, guys. If we lose today we're out of the championships again." Ugh my head. I cringed as Joe yelled to the soccer team.

"Perhaps you'd like to explain last night to me. Peej? Mrs Lester said sternly.

"I'm sorry. We just got a little bit carried away."

Well, as I understand it, Chris got totally carried away by Mr And Mrs Green after he lay in a pool of his own vomit.

"Actually, it was Peej's vomit, Mrs Lester. I was just lying in it." I cringed.

"I expect better of you two. You know the values we stand for at Abbey Mount. And as for you, Daniel, I don't know whether to be pleased that you've finally made some friends here, or furious that you've led them astray. Dismissed." Mrs Lester said pointing to the door. Chris, Pj and I stood up.

"Not you, Mr Howell." I turned around and sat back down, Chris and Pj went on without me. "I gave your father my word that I'd try and help you, but I'll be honest, you're making it awfully difficult. You're cleverer and better than this, Dan. Why don't you give yourself a chance? Try. Try at something. Show him that you can rise to the occasion. Because judging by the laughs you created last night, when you put your mind to something, you can do it. Don't give up on yourself. Because I haven't. And neither has your father. Now off you go." Mrs Lester said. Truth be told I was feeling shitty but that was pretty meaningful and I felt slightly inspired.

"I really do feel sick." Chris sighed rubbing his temples.

"What did she want?" Pj asked ignoring his friend.

"Nothing. Just a good book to read."

"You read?"

"Pssh don't sound so shocked."

The game began, and as per usual I sat on the sideline.

"Come on, guys." Mrs Green yelled at the team in front of me.

"God, I feel really vile." Chris sighed again coming to the side of the field. "I think I'm going to puke. Seriously, Dan, you're gonna have to take my place."

"There's only seven minutes left." I say pushing him away from me.

"Oh, crap!" Mrs Green says coming over to Chris and I.

"Dan can take my place. Don't worry, Mrs Green."

"We'll play one man down. We don't want to carry dead weight." Felix says jogging up beside Chris. "No offence."

"None taken." I hiss. "But seeing as how you don't want me playing on your team, well, I'm frigging playing." Felix grunted and stormed off.

"Into the bucket." Mrs Green says directing Chris' head to the bucket. Ew.

"Ian, on the wing! Dan, go long!"

"All right. Wow, okay." I say to myself, slightly confused. "Let's just pretend the ball is the last Pokemon game."

"Okay." Anthony says running past me.

"Eyes on the prize. Pj, come on." Chris says before hurling into the bucket. Ew.

"Eye on the prize. Oh, my God. Okay. Anthony, help!"

"Dan, run over to the ball and kick it to me, haven't you played football before?!"

"Yeah I have." I say sending the ball to Anthony.

"You dunk that bitch. You see the goal, Anthony." I yell. And he scores.

"Yes!" I scream running over to him. "Way to go man." I run over and hi five him.

"Way to go!" Caspar says patting Anthony on the back of the head.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT GUYS! WE ARE THROUGH!!!" Ian yells running up to us all and jumping on the back of Anthony.

"Yes mate!" Joe exclaims.

"Encouragement bitch!" I say, earning a hi five from Jim.


We gathered in the assembly hall the next day. I knew why, and the rest if the team did also.

"And finally, in news as shocking as the fall of the Berlin Wall, our under-18 football team has gone through to the second round of the county championships for the first time since 1976. To sign up for extra practise, please see Felix... My apologies. No, it seems you should see Daniel Howell."
Okay I was not expecting that.

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