Ch-15 It wasn't me

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//3rd person POV\\

"Guys. Guess what? You'll never believe it." Chris said barging into the room.

"What happened?" Pj asks as Chris takes a seat on his bed and begins to read the email in his hand.

Dear Tyler,

You cannot imagine how retarded these idiots are.

They're a bunch of ugly losers who think ranch dressing is a Latin greeting.

I despise these village idiots, but I have to pretend to like them so they'll help me get out of this hell hole. I tried doing it on my own, and it was impossible.

Still, they're so thick they'll never realise. I'll be out of this asylum by the end of term.

//Dan POV\\

When I got to my dorm I was hit by a tsunami.

"I didn't write that. Hardly any of it, just the loser part. But that was weeks ago." I state after Chris snatches the note away from me.

"Well, it's dated today. And it's from your e-mail address." Ian points out.

"Where did you get it?" I ask

"It was taped to the door." Anthony says quietly.

"You're a seriously horridious asshole!" Pj yells.

"Come on, guys. You have to believe me."

"Just forget it, okay?" Chris says.

"Why would you do that?" Anthony asks.

"You can't believe I actually wrote this." I defend myself. This can't be happening, my first real friends are turning on me, hating me for something I didn't even do.

"All we did was to try to make your life here happier, Dan. I thought we were friends." Pj says walking out of the dorm, followed by the others. Shit.


I walk to the end of the school, near the Headmistress' office, to Phil's room. I see a note in his door. Well fuck.

So, all I have to do is hook up with the headmistress' son, and it's a sure thing that they expel me.

He's a total English dweeb. Pretty gross but an easy target.

Give me a week, tops.

I knock on his door, I need to explain this.

"I can explain." I say as he opens the door, for the first time since I've known him, looking sad. He shook his head and shut the door in my face. Oh Dan you've really done it this time.


The only thing I could think to do was call Tyler.

"Please, I really need to talk to you."
I beg over skype.

Can't right now. You know, the limo's coming in five, and I have nada to wear.

"Where are you going?" I ask

"Cat's house. Not the Jimmy Choos. They don't match, for Christ's sake Grace!"

Ty, I just need some advice. Something really bad has happened.

Crap. Emergency. Got to go. See you soon as. Love you.

Love you more. I pause

Sorry, Troye. Couldn't get rid of him. What was I saying? Troye? Babe?"

"No, Tyler. Still me. Babe" I hiss.

Fuck my life. I say to myself blinking back the tears.

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