Adi fishman, my boyfriend?

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You and Adi walk upstairs into a really nice and secluded VIP area. It has multiple leather sofas, a flat screen tv, and a fish tank.
Gaby- "woah. How come I didn't know that it was this nice?"
Adi- "I don't know. Your the ones who threw this party."
You and Adi sit down on the couch.
Adi- "so what do you want to watch?"
Gaby- "I really want to watch 13 reasons why. That's my favorite show."
Adi- "ok I gotchu"
Adi puts 13 reasons why on Netflix, and you begin watching episode 5.
Hernan, Bryan, Anabelly, and Ysa sneak up to the second floor and peep through the door.
Ysa- "what are they doing?"
Hernan- "I think they are just watching tv"
Anabelly- "guys don't you think that we should leave them alone? What if they see us?"
Bryan- "yeah, Anabelly's right."
You and Adi are about ten minutes into episode five when all of a sudden Adi puts his arm around you and you sink your head into his chest.
Ysa- "guys look!!"
Anabelly- "awwww oh my god that is so cute!"
Hernan- "I bet that now you want to stay and watch"
Anabelly- "yes. Maybe" Anabelly says laughing
As your retarded friends are stalking through the window you switch positions and eventually end up lying on top of Adi with your head resting on his chest and his hands holding yours.
Bryan- "EW there is a cockroach on the door"
Hernan- "ew kill it I'm scared of cockroaches"
Ysa- "you guys are such wimps I'll kill it"
Anabelly- "I'll go get a paper towel"
Ysa leans against the door and the cockroach jumps from the door onto bryans head.
Bryan- "ew oh my god! Get it off, get it off, get it off!!"
Hernan- "dude relax"
As Hernan says that bryan accidentally pushes the door knob with his head in the middle of his panic attack over a cockroach, and the door goes flying open.
Gaby- "what are you guys doing?!?"
Hernan- "we totally weren't watching you guys. Okay we're gonna go now"
They all go back downstairs and enjoy what's left of the party.
Adi- "well I've gotta go it's getting pretty late" he says as he kisses you.
Gaby- "bye"

Highschool love story | Adi fishmanWhere stories live. Discover now