First game

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You wake up to your obnoxious alarm clock beeping every single damn morning at 6:00 am. You get out of bed hop in the shower and wash your body. You don't wash your hair because your first volleyball game is today and your hair will get sweaty anyways.
You go and sit down at your vanity and apply your makeup, but today you wanted to go a little over the top. You do your normal amount but add a nude lipstick instead of a chapstick, and do a winged eyeliner. It's not like if it look bad it mattered anyways... The one person you had feelings for apparently didn't feel the same way:/
Adi's POV-
I wake up at around my usual time and hop in the shower. Most people take warm showers but not me. I take cold showers. Once I get out of the shower I go to my closet and pick out something to wear. I throw on some black ripped jeans with a white tee shirt and some checkered vans. Then I walk downstairs, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, and drive to school.
Gaby's POV-
Honey you're going to be late to school if you don't hurry up!! Yells your mom from all the way downstairs.
Gaby- "I'm going. Just give me a second"
You pack your bag with your notebooks and pencils.
Then you pack your duffle bag with your volleyball jersey which read number 23 on it, your spandex, and your Nike free runs. You run down the stairs and get in the passengers seat of your moms car.
30 mins later at school-
Gaby's POV- you walk up to your group of friends and face them for the first time in two days.
Ysa- "Hey Gaby. How you holding up?"
Gaby- "I'm fine." You say but you really weren't.
Hernan- "glad to see you're doing better."
Anabelly- "We know that this is probably the last person you want to hear of right now but Adi talked to us yesterday."
Gaby- "Oh God. What did he say?"
Bryan- "He said that the girl that came up to you guys was just his crazy ex girlfriend and and that he broke up with her a long time ago."
Gaby- "And you expect me to believe that?"
Hernan- "We're just telling you what he said"
Bell rings-
You walk to class and are stopped in the hallway by Adi.
Adi- "Gaby can we talk?"
Gaby- "I really don't wanna talk to you right now."
Adi- "well I just need you to believe me."
Gaby- "your gonna have to try harder than that."
After school-
It's time for the volleyball game and you are going up against chatsworth high school. You are really nervous considering there is a big crowd of people.
Before the game you see look around in the crowd looking for Adi. You see all of his friends but you don't see him. You find it strange but quickly get over it. You go towards the ball cart to grab a ball to practice serving, when you grab a ball that says "Hey Gaby, I really "dig" you. I'd love to "set" up a date for us to homecoming. You read the ball and look around in the crowd confused not knowing who wrote this. Was it some kind of joke? Were you being pranked? You stop thinking once the crowd starts screaming. Why the hell is everyone screaming?? Jeez people are annoying. You think to yourself as you feel someone tap you on the back. You turn around to see Adi. Holding up a Starbucks drink and red rose
Adi- "Gaby, the truth is, I'm crazy about you. Ever since the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were the one. You are so beautiful inside and out and I'm sorry if I ever hurt you. So will you go to homecoming with me?"
You look at him with your eyes wide open. Then you scan the room in surprise.
Gaby- "Adi. I......

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