Mixed emotions

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It's finally after school and you head over to your house with Anabelly to prepare for the get together. You parents are out on a business trip, so you have the house to yourself. "Hey Anabelly, I have an idea. Why don't you invite Adi." Gaby says. "Why would I do that?" Anabelly asks. "Because I have a plan. It involves one other person who is coming today, but in order for it to work I need Adi here." "Ok I'll call him." Anabelly says.
After Anabelly calls Adi, you and her begin to put together the food table. You take out a few bowls and put chips in each one. You put Doritos, lays, and tortilla chips. Then there is another part of the table with boxes of pizza waiting to be devoured. Lastly there are sweets such as cookies, brownies, and sour patch. After about an hour, the first guests arrive. It's nick and Jojo!
Gaby-"hey guys what's up"
Jojo-"are we here to early?"
Gaby-"no you guys are on time everyone else is just late."
Nick-"oh ok cool."
You all head over to the couch and decide what you are gonna watch until the rest of the people get there. You watch friends for a bit. Eventually everyone starts getting to your house. Ysa, Hernan, bryan, cenna, Tal, Michael, Anthony and even Adi...
You walk up to the door as you hear it ring, when you open Adi faces you with a smile. You surely don't Smile back, and just let him inside. You loved him, so so much, but you can't let him get away with what he did.
Gaby-"alright, it looks like everyone is here, so I'm gonna turn on the music, and we can start."
Adi-"start what"
Jojo-"playing truth or dare duh"
Gaby-" ok guys so how it works is we are gonna have a bottle you spin, whoever the top of the bottle lands on, is who needs to pick a truth or a dare. Got it?"
Everyone agrees and since you are the house owner you do the honors of spinning the bottle. "Oh Ysa looks like it landed on you." You say with a laugh.
Anabelly- "truth or dare?"
Ysa-"I'm gonna go with... dare!" Ysa picks a dare out of the bowl and it says drink toilet water!
Gaby-"ew please don't do that."
Do it! Do it! Do it! All the dumb boys chant.
Ysa goes upstairs and decides to drink the nasty toilet water. We all come back down and continue playing.
Tal- "ok gaby pick a truth or dare"
You pick a truth or dare and it says, kiss, marry, kill; Adi, Jojo, and Nick.
Gaby-" oh this ones easy" you say with sarcasm "I'd kill Adi, kiss Jojo and marry nick."
Micheal- "damn girl why'd you gotta kill Adi?"
Gaby-"Because I don't kiss or Marry cheaters" you say in an upset tone. The whole room goes silent and Adi earns a few stares. As you say that you run upstairs to the bathroom and start bawling your eyes out. When your sitting on the bathroom floor you hear a knock on the door and say, "who is it?" You think it's Adi but then you hear "it's Jojo" you are surprised and decide to open up the door for him.
Gaby- "what do you want Jojo"
Jojo doesn't say anything, he just leans in and gives you a long and much needed hug. There was something about him, so comforting and loving, but it would never feel the same as with Adi. You loved Adi so much and you were pessimistic on finding an epic love like that again.
Jojo- "are you okay?"
Gaby- "no does it look like I'm okay?" You say as you wipe your tears away.
Jojo- "hey look at me" he says as he pulls up your chin with his fingers, "you are beautiful and perfect and you deserve the world, you don't need a guy to tell you those things." He made a big mistake on cheating on you, he doesn't deserve you."
(When I put this * it means that this is what she is thinking)
*wow he actually has a brain? I didn't think he had so many feelings. Wow I could just kiss him, no Gaby stop you can't kiss him, you love Adi.*
As your brain blows up with thoughts Jojo stares into your dark brown eyes and leans in closer. You can't tell if he is gonna kiss you, or if he is gonna hug you, so you just go with it. Little to your expectations he leans in and kisses you. It's different. You miss Adi's lips connecting with yours but this is nice. As you think this to yourself Jojo pushes you against the wall and wraps his hands on your lower waist, you don't ever know what to do with your hands so you put them on his back. This feels wrong, but right at the same time. Soon after Adi walks in to the bathroom.
Jojo-"oh shit"
Adi- "are you crazy?!? What's wrong with you? She's mine!"
Gaby- "no Adi im not yours, you cheated on me remember? I bet you weren't think about how I was "yours" when you were all on that girl." You push Adi out of the way and leave the room. *well this is great*.........
To be continued

Highschool love story | Adi fishmanWhere stories live. Discover now