8. The sleepover.

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Solar POV:

(Continued from chapter 7)

"You're so beautiful,Moonbyul."
She looks down at me and smiles,
"I just thought the same about you."
She leans in and kisses me as she lays down on the side of me. We hold hands as we look up at the ceiling stars. She truly doesn't know how much she means to me now. Its like, we connected instantly; I wouldn't be mad if we were in love romantically or sexually, either one would be fine for me. Its as if she's my soulmate. I just wanna hold you close tonight, and forget about what just happened earlier, as we talk about our biggest fears and dreams.
I jump up foward and look at the clock. Its 7:45! My heart races as I turn to moonbyul who is sound asleep, I take a second and look at her, she looks like an angel- wait we're gonna be late!! Focus solar!! I shake her as I say,
She turns to me and looks annoyed. I'm panicking as I'm rushing to on my underwear and bra on at the same time.
she looks at the clock then back at me and chuckles at me.
"Sorry to break it to you, but its Saturday."
We don't have classes on Saturday. I stay there frozen. Suddenly I get embarrassed and finish hooking my bra on and jump on Moonbyul.
"Why didn't you tell me in the first place!! Did you do that just to look at me!!?"
I shove her as she starts laughing.
Later on in the day, we meet up with Wheein and Hwasa at a cafe. We all sit there and talk about the weirdest things. I've become closer to them and it makes me happy to see that I can have friends like them. I've made other friends too, these girls who sit around me: jennie, jisoo, rosé and lisa. They're all very nice and pretty girls. Ever since I came to this school I've made many friends, but I do miss my old ones and family as well, but I've made another family. At the cafe, I got a strawberry tart while the others all shared a chocolate cake.
"We should all have a sleep over!"
Hwasa and Wheein plead. Moonbyul takes a bite out of the dessert and replies,
"i haven't had a sleep over at your guys' dorm in a while, it would be nice."
They all look over at me.
"She's never been to one of our sleep overs so its official! Its happening tonight!"
The three start cheering. I've only been to one sleep over at my middle school and we were up all night working on projects, so it didn't really count.
Moonbyul looks at me and smiles. I glare at her and show a little smirk.
"We have to make this the best over for our new best friend, solar unnie!"
They all cheer once more, this time I join.
As we head back, me and moonbyul went into our room to get our stuff. I go and look at the mirror as I fix my makeup. As I do, I take a quick glance over at her watching me all giddy. I smile as I go back and put on lipstick. She walks up behind me and wraps her arms around my waist.
"Is that lipstick for me?"
I turn at look at her and say,
"I can try it on you if you want?"
She laughs as she leans in and kisses me, leaving me sweet butterflies in my stomach.
She looks at the mirror and says,
"Oooh! Its a pretty color!" She looks at me shocked about it.
"No wonder you put it on, its pretty just like you!"
Embarrassed once more I push her away.
"Why are you so greasy?!"
She laughs as she wipes the lipstick off her lips.
"Because I love your reaction to when I do."
I smile as I grab her hands and kiss her on the cheek.
"You're ridiculous."
As I pack my pajamas, I remember that Wheein caught us; wouldn't it just be awkward?? I turn to moonbyul whos grabbing her back and stuffing random clothes in there.
She turns with a smeared lipstick stain from where I kissed her,
I try not to laugh as I say,
"Doesn't Wheein know we're a thing?"
She rolls her eyes and shakes her head.
"She forgets everything, plus it was 2 am when she came in. She most likely doesn't even know it happened. She hasn't asked about it, so I think we're fine."
She winks as she runs up to me and picks me up, spinning me around in her arms. We both start laughing as we fall onto the floor. "Owww Byulie! So greasy!!" She elbows me as she lends me a hand. We both head over to Hwasa and Wheein's dorm down the hall. We open the door to find them dancing and singing to music. "THE PARTY IS HERE!" They both scream and cheer. They really do love to party. We all get settled in and change into our pajamas. "Girls, look what I found!" Hwasa pulls out soju. Moonbyul and Wheein go wild doing some dance, while I'm sitting here on their floor wide-eyed. How did she get that in here? Also have they all drunken this before?
"Hwasa looks at me as her face grows curious.
"How did you get that in here?"
"I got it from the teachers lounge, they should really keep their doors locked you know? Students might come in.. and take a little something something."
She says that in a sexy way as she runs her fingertip down the bottle.
Moonbyul elbows me. I turn and look at her with a serious face. She whispers,
"don't worry, we're not gonna force you."
Hwasa skips then squats next to me on my left.
"Drink up sunshine."
I start sweating as Wheein and  Hwasa start chanting for me to chug it. Moonbyul tries telling them to shut up but they ignore. After a few seconds later pass and moonbyul out of nowhere grabs it as she chugs it down. We all watch in shock and then slams it down. There's a brief moment of silence before Wheein and Hwasa start cheering for her. It looks like it didn't even do anything to her. Then Hwasa chugs it as moonbyul and Wheein cheer. There's about half of the bottle left. Wheein takes a chug while doing a little dance as the others cheer. My heart starts racing, I haven't even tasted alcohol before. Not even a drop. After she's done she hands it to me and now everyone is cheering besides moonbyul. She can tell that I'm nervous she secretly grabs my hand as she looks up at them doing little dances from drinking so much. I turn back and take a deep breath, then chug it till there's only a drop left to spare. It was flavored so it made it way easier to drink. It wasn't that bad after all. After that we all dance and sing to our favorite songs, really bonding. Next thing you know, the soju kicks into all of us. After laughs and laughs we all sit around in a circle, wrapped in blankets with only the moonlight to shine on us. Its around 2 am right now. I lay on moonbyuls lap while we all just start giggling. Then Hwasa says out of nowhere,
"We should play truth or dare."
We all let out "oooooohs" as we look around at eachother.
"Who wants to go first?"
We all go silent and blank faced.
Hwasa looks at me, then slowly shows a smirk.
"Solar, truth or dare?"
I feel my face start getting red.
"Truth I guess."
She rolls her eyes,
"You're no fun! But I guess I could figure out something's with this,"
I look down and play with my fingers.
"Is it true, that you like someone at the moment?"
My face is stiff, while my eyes widen. Moonbyul looks at me with a concerned look. Wheein is off in her head singing some song. I cant feel my face sweating as I think about it. After a brief moment of almost having a panic attack, I respond with,
"Yes. I do."
She looks surprised at me.
"Is that so sunshine?"
Moonbyul has her eyes widen as she looks straight at me. I quickly elbow her, telling her to play it cool. Hwasa gets closer to me, to the point where we're face to face.
"And who would that me?"
I start sweating as I look around to try to avoid the question.
"I already answered the question."
She looks at me as she turns her head squinting at me. I can feel something grabbing my hand, I look over as Moonbyul looks away, firmly grasping it. I look back at Hwasa who locks eyes with mine instantly. She smiles as she gently flicks my chin with her finger.
"I guess I'll save it for next round."
Moonbyul lets go of my hand as Hwasa moves back. Out of nowhere Wheein comes out of nowhere ask looks at Moonbyul.
"Byulie, truth or dare?"
I turn to look at her. She looks so drunk, after all she did drink more than any of us. She looks up with her eyes half open.
"Dare, surprise me."
Wheein cheers as she falls back onto Hwasa's lap.
She turns at me, then looks at Moonbyul.
"I dare you,"
She turns at points at me.
".. to kiss solar."
I jump up with my eyes wide open, as moonbyul does the same. They both start laughing as they look at eachother. Wheein replies with,
"Why the big eyes? Its not like we both don't know you like each other."
Our eyes widen even more. Moonbyul decides to break the ice with,
"Hwasa, even you know?"
She smiles and replies with,
"You do realize we all like girls, me and Wheein may also like boys as well but don't you think I've noticed you two during lunch? And every other time we're together?"
I'm in shock, not only did they know but we're all a group of girls, who like girls. It's very surprising to see that happen.
Moonbyul adds on,
"Hwasa I didn't know you were-"
"Me neither, then I met this little cutie over here."
More and more unravels as I sit her watching it happen.
Wheein looks up at Hwasa as she twirls her finger around Wheein's hair.
"Strange, isn't it?"
We all start laughing, then Wheein sits up.
"By the way, a dare is a dare."
We look at each other, both smiling.
"Hurry up lovebirds!"
I start laughing out of nowhere as Moonbyul does the same. I kiss her as she pins me to the bed frame behind us. I shove her away, embarrassed of her greasiness.
"Ah, byulie!! Why so greasy?!"
We all laugh as the night goes on. We get to know each other even better than before. Once the night comes to an end, I find Wheein asleep on Hwasa's lap while she is passed out sitting up, with her hand twirled around Wheein's hair. I turn to find moonbyul leaning onto my shoulder. She's so beautiful. She's looks like an angel when she sleeps. I look down and find her slowly interlocking her fingers into mine. I look back up at her and see her looking up at me. We look at each other and nothing else. I can't help but smile as she does the same. She whispers to me,
"You're so beautiful."
She leans in and kisses me passionately.
"I was just thinking the same about you."
Its currently 3am. I yawn as rest my head behind this bed frame, while moonbyul continues to rest her head on my head. I never want this feeling to ever end.

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